The parable of the peaceful ambassador

Zea has been a good boy, full of wisdom and understanding. From my observation, he possesses both the introvert and extrovert nature and he will grow up to be very disciplined and accommodating, Zia said. 

"I will be mindful of how and what I do in the Palace now, anyway he is just an ambassador of peace. I will try my best to make up with him but not to the extent of pleasing him. That is the worst thing any man should think of doing". Any man who is on the journey of pleasing others will end up a failure, Lila said.

"Come, are you not seeing my hair that is rough and due for a new one or should tell you first Lila teased Zia. No, your majesty, I thought of making new hair for you but....but what Lila interjected Zia?" 

" don't want me to look sweet to my husband? Your majesty, I wanted to do that yesterday, but it has been raining for days apart from today that the weather is a bit friendly, so took the chance of spreading Zea clothes that are still moist to dry, let me go and call my colleagues now to get the hair loss and we shall give you a beautiful style that has never entered your head before". 

The patient dog eats the fattest bone, let me wait and see the style this girl is bosting to plait for me, if this style will make my husband stick to me for just a few days, they both erupted into laughter. 

"Hmmm... What style, is there any style that is more beautiful than the ones you have been making me that will make my husband glue to me? Lila asked. Your majesty, don't worry, when I am done you will testify to it Zia said".

Zia left Queen Lila's chamber, call your sisters to come to lose my hair Lila said to Zia from her sitting position. Okay, your majesty. 

"Her majesty wants to see you girls in her chamber now, go and lose hair, when I am done with what I am doing I will join you, people,'' Zia said to her colleagues. 

May the day bless you, your majesty, she responded to them and bless you too, they surrounded her and began to unplait her hair. Have you girls heard the story of the smart boy, Lila asked them. They look very confused, who is the smart boy Tarsha asked in bewilderment?" Lila was channelled towards his son, Zea. She never wanted them to know so she chose to tell the story figuratively to them. 

There was a boy whose parents at the beginning of their marriage were fighting tooth and nail before he was born. He grew up seeing his mother and her stepmother rubbing shoulders often, just at the age of ten he had already had a sharp instinct of her parents' doings in the Palace. He tried to make peace but he never knew how to saddle the responsibility of making. It became a serious headache for him but on a very fateful day, he swallowed anxiety and took the bull by the horn that morning. 

While they were seated out receiving the fresh air from their garden, they saw him sober holding a knife in his hand. It was a terrific moment for his parents. He said, "I am tired of living in pain and sadness, since you guys are not mature enough to live in peace, I have decided to sleep in peace by taking my life". 

Her mother was swimming in a pool of tears, "please don't take your life she said", his stepmother who was looking for a means to end the poor boy's life was also taken unaware, she was dismayed and trembling, and the father was in a great silence, they pleaded with him not to take his life and promised him almost everything within their possession because they were very wealthy. 

I will halt my action on one condition, the boy said, what condition they chorused in anxiety? Promise all of us will leave as one from today onward. 

What a courageous boy and an ambassador for peace, Tarsha said. My lady, where did this event take place, one of the maidens asked. Lila was confused because she never knew such a question would meet her. 

She was sharp enough to attend to the question solving the puzzle within her. This story was told by my mother some time ago when I was still tender, she said, oh….that is good, it means you hardly forget things the maiden said. Yes, Liam, Lila replied. 

What did you girls learn from my story? I think we should not display our differences with our spouse in the presence of our kids Tarsha said, we should make peace with all men Liam added, superb answer from both of you Lila said. The rest of us, what did you have to say about the story? 

"If we find ourselves in a polygamous marriage, we should try and leave with our mates in peace and harmony, one of them said, the maiden answer struck Lila and she asked, what if your mate doesn't want peace?" 

"My lady in every marriage the head is the husband, then I will report the issue to my husband, from your story if nothing is done, the boy will one day take his life and if he is my child I wouldn't have the energy to live long and I wouldn't let my child die for no just course, the maiden said". 

Leaving the unsolved disunity in the marriage enhances the chance of the boy seating on a timed bomb, Tarsha added and the rest of them chorused, "exactly". 

"I would love to see you girls one after the other after you are done with my hair, '' Lila said to them" because from their contribution, she saw them as her solution to the long-awaited cold crisis in her home.