Via display her jealousy

"I think with this beauty, I will be the goddess at the table tonight, Lila said". The bell in the dining room rang. Lila waited for her husband and Via to sit first before making a move. "Where is Lila?" Hala asked one of the Palace guards, before the guard could reply, Hala sighted her walking from the passage. He was caught unaware in admiration because he never believed that was his wife, her constant look attracted the attention of everyone in the hall and they were all lost in admiration, her instinct told her, her husband is lost in her and she quickly shook her hair to rearrange them. "I am now the king of boys,'' she said in her mind.

Hala was known as an egocentric man, nothing moved him except he chose to let such things overwhelm him.

Zia and her colleagues were smiling brightly like the ray of the sun. They smiled but were still amazed by the action of the king. Via was also taken unaware by her senior mate's appearance, but when she noticed Hala was in another world, she intentionally fell a glass cup to win his attention back, as a sharp king he never let his deep emotions for Lila leave her in the mould.

It was something of a coincidence or was it planned, the last chair after Zea resumed his seat was opposite Hala, Lila dashed into the chair with a bunch of smiles. "Greetings to you oh mighty lion of the greatest kingdom, may your reign always be a future legacy to Unforget Lila said".

Hala breathed with his shoulder up making a deep sigh…. Hummmmm.... "Welcome my Queen". Now it is a tradition that before every meal commences the cupbearer in the Palace showers the royalties with gigantic praise.

"The king is the king, the fearless lion who oversees Zomuda in great confidence and power". It is known that when a lion is hungry it eats grass but my greatest king defied that principle, when the lion is hungry it reaches out to the four walls of the jungle for his meal. "Oh lion of Zomuda, may your entire generation be blessed, enjoy your meal fearless lion", the Palace cupbearer unleashes praises on Hala.

In the pink environment, Via was in her odd state unknowingly to them because of the way king Hala was lost to his first wife. Hmmm, "I shall appear the same way to the dining hall one day, she said in her mind".

Hala was in haste to eat his food because he wanted to have some time with Lila, my lord. "I have something to show you immediately after our breakfast, Via said with a cold tune, what could that be Hala asked curiously".

I sustained a dislocation in my hip when I was trying to get a book from my bookshelf, sorry for that he said, thank you Via responded, sorry Lila and her son Zea contributed their hospitality too. Thanks to my lady and my Prince she responded so coldly.

Lila understood her actions. Eh…. My king, will you see it? "Yes but that will be in the afternoon. I want to have some time with Lila immediately after breakfast, '' Hala said. His statement made all the Palace wardens present raise eyebrows".

Via withdrew into her shell in a cold state, she wanted to leave the dining hall but it is forbidden to leave the table before the king, the tradition of the Palace compelled her to stay behind until the king was ready to leave.

Immediately Hala left she breezed out like a cloud of devil dust to her room, she waited for some time and confronted him. "Your Highness, you don't care about what I told you, I am passing through pains, okay Hala replied". The king's reply was like salt added to her injury, she could not help out but she erupted in tears, her tears weren't real but she needed to do it to attract the king's attention. You know what, I am going to invite the doctor to check your body Hala replied.

"If that is all you could do for your Queen it is okay, '' Via said. She tried various means to win the king's attention but all her efforts were void, oh my goodness…. I just need some rest right now, she said as she gave a deep breath. The king's room is sacred and it is only when he wants his wife that she is permitted to lie in it, but the case of Via was different and Hala succumbed to it because he was looking for an avenue to overthrow the king of Kanshawanga and take over his kingdom.

"My leg hurts….. Atch….. Hu…. Hu… Via gave a sound expressing how terrible her state was". Let me go to my chamber, knowing fully well that she wasn't ready to go anywhere. As she made a step she fell to the ground. Ahh…. Ahh….. Ahhh she shouted, Hala paused what he was doing and carried him on his arm like a baby.

"Oh… my gosh…. His arm was so comforting, I wish I could be carried daily like this in my entire life, she said in her mind. So sorry my lady king Hala said as he dropped her gently on his bed, she gripped him and fell him on the bed". Hala could not reject the strength of his wife, he fell on her and gave her a deep kiss.

Via was enjoying the scene before Hala came to his senses that he needed to be with Lila.

"Stay here and sleep while I watch over you my lady he said, okay, thank you for your hospitality she said, she could not hold her happiness but she wanted it unnoticed by Hala, Via turned to the other side of the bed and smile bright snipping her finger quietly, signifying she has gotten the king in her fingertips".

They were having quiet conversations along the line. Via started sleep talking and she slept off.