Flying Island

While staring down, Kyle could spot nothing but white clouds for as far as his eyes could see. 

They covered the sight of what lay behind them. 

This could mean that they were on an enclosed rift that was disguised as a flying island, but that was not the case. 

He did not believe that the other Undeads had simply dumped them in the middle of nowhere. 

He was sure that the Undeads would have told him about the ways to leave the rift or whatever place this was. 

"That's a flying island?!?! And you guys were confused why nobody came to the Razkadan castle? Where are we even?"

Yet, instead of answering him, Beatrice was simply staring at the magnificent sight of freedom. 

And, there was nothing but wide open space all around her making her feel as if she was in the clouds herself. 

At least that was what she was thinking right now, only to be pulled out of her train of thoughts.