
After spending some time at the ThunderGod shop and looking through the displayed goods, Kyle left it without purchasing anything.

The chubby merchant was still alive, unscathed, and his eyes glued to the masked man, following every single move of his.

Only after a few seconds had passed did he turn towards his attendant before ordering,

"Tell me what they questioned you, what you answered, and if something was off, now!" 

His voice was harsh and had a commanding tone, leaving the young man no choice but to repeat every single question that he had been asked by the small group followed by the answers he had provided.

In the following few minutes, the chubby merchant nodded his head a few times before licking his lips, as his eyes searched for the young man.

'Something is wrong, I'm sure about that! Their questions were not exactly weird, but why do I feel so odd?'