Forest Overture II

It was time to return. In the back of his tired, weary mind, he briefly pondered where to even begin searching for Leon. Seth had every expectation that the man was lost somewhere, possibly cowering in a hollowed trunk from a pack of wolves having mistaken them for something fearful. Weighed down with defeat, Seth lifted the visor of his helmet to allow the delightful evening air of summer to soothe his face. He tightened his hold around his lance and turned to begin backtracking. The lantern creaked as it swung in his other hand.

"We're being sent out on wild goose chases just to ease the minds of the villagers," he muttered to himself. "It can't continue like this. Eventually, the kingdom will start looking for scapegoats if the real cause isn't discovered."

The wind picked up, causing the trees around to shake. Leafs trickled, fluttered, and spun as they dropped from their branches. The lancer's dreads swayed behind him as the breeze became a sudden guest. He dug his heels into the dirt to keep balance. In a second, everything was calm again. He thought nothing of it.

"I'll have to advise the sick be reexamined and perhaps the villagers can be convinced to- "A handful of leaves descended atop Seth's head, even flying into his open mouth. He cursed as he spat, dropping his spear and the lantern as he did so to scrap the bitter taste and micro-crumbs of dirt off his tongue. Annoyed more than ever, he groaned, grinding his teeth before letting out a swift exhale through his nose.

'Where did my lance go,' he thought as he knelt to feel his way through the grass. Thankfully the lantern hadn't been flushed out when he dropped it. Seth gathered his things and stood when a ringing chimed in his ears. It was faint, but Seth was certain of what he heard. A slow yet luring tune was being played. The elongated heavy sounds, the sharp vibration that drummed in his ear - a fiddler? Here in the woods at this hour?

It sounded impossible yet the sound was unmistakable. The closer he followed the sound the more certain he became. A fiddle was being played nearby. Yet by who, and so deep in the woods? Although Seth saw nothing particularly wrong, it was peculiar, but it was concerning, given that the entire kingdom was on high alert.

Seth marched forward, following the path further ahead until he heard the sound of the riverbank, water rushing downstream, cliffs rising around him. The sounds grew louder, more enchanting. His sight had been so narrowly centered on the pleasant music that Seth's casual walk had turned into a sprint, racing for the edge of the woods until he finally reached the bank. A large waterfall came into view. Thick mist surrounded the area and a damp chill slowly began to seep through his armor and sprout goosebumps over his body.

He panted from atop the riverbank.

A silhouette was perched on the rocks at the fall's base, seemingly unaware of Seth's presence. Though blurred by the fog, Seth could see the person's movement and the sound was clear as a bell. It was the fiddler. As he continued playing the trees surrounding them shook, branches rattled, and leaves flurried about in the wind.

Seth remained on the riverbank's edge, watching the other with eyes wide and mouth agape slightly, mesmerized by the scene - by the one-man symphony being played before him. The fog began to lift. Cyan eyes honed in, squinting to try to identify and better marvel at the person on the rocks.

It was a man. As the music faded away their eyes met. Slowly, hesitantly, the dragoon set his spear into the sand of the riverbank and the lantern so that he could clap firmly.

Neither of them could find the strength to speak, never mind the river between them. The musician's green eyes pierced through the mist to shoot daggers at Seth, yet still, neither of them made any move to depart. He raised his bow back to the violin and with a swift, sharp strike across the strings, a high note cut through the atmosphere. The remaining mist dispersed to reveal the musician.

Pale skin glowed under the moonlight which reflected off the water's surface. He was completely nude. Moisture dripped from their skin, and long black and white hair fell across their body, covering them. There was an aura about him as he stood and paced slowly to the edge of the rock while staring at Seth. His lips hardly moved as he spoke.

"You can hear it? You hear the music?" The man's voice was dark, calm, quiet, and crisp. A glimmer of disbelief and surprise hung in his tone.

There mere sight of this person took Seth by surprise. It wasn't common - no, it was entirely unheard of to spy someone playing the violin, naked in the river. Yet still, Seth held himself steady, centering the tension in his gut, and exhaled smoothly. "Don't stop, now! I was enjoying that."

Again, the musician stared daggers at Seth before raising his fiddle to his chin and began anew. As soon as he started playing the entire forest came alive around them. Crickets began to chirp and the trees rattled in the wind. Yet Seth took no notice. It was like the world around him had vanished, and all he had left was his ears to listen to the melody. It was as if his very spirit was rejuvenated. He approached the edge of the river and sat down until the song came to an end.

The musician observed Seth for a moment after he finished playing and stepped down from the rock. Yet, he did not sink into the water. No - the man walked across it as though it were made of glass. Ripples spread from his feet wherever he stepped as he approached the dragoon. His grip tightened around the neck of his instrument. He stopped a few paces shy of the shore, keeping a distance between them. "How is it that you can hear me?"

Seth stared at him with his eyebrows high. "Huh?" He leaned back, propping himself up on his arms. "What- you just...started playing and I heard you. Why wouldn't I be able to? While I'm at it- what are you doing out here? It's not safe and...why are you naked?! Aren't you cold?"

He shivered, and then he noticed how drenched this stranger was. Yet he stood there, completely unaffected by the chill surrounding the falls. "Are you a hermit wizard or something?"

"Humans should not be able to hear me. They should hear the wind, the water, or forest dwellers," he said as he pointed his bow at the dragoon.

Again, Seth raised a bow, hardly shifting his position. If his company was trying to come across as threatening then he wasn't about to flinch. "And you aren't human?"

The musician's eyes narrowed and he lowered his bow.

"Can I at least get a name?"

There was a prolonged silence. The river flowed on and the water crashed against the rocks around the bank. "...Sin."