A Prince and A Duke

"That was not the whole story Athena," I looked her into her eyes. She looked conflicted. She didn't want anything worse to happen.

"My father's pride couldn't accept Lucas taking over the throne. He lived in agony most of the time. He didn't care much about my mother either. Before I was born, he chose death over us."

She was looking at me terrified.

"I've never seen him," I said. Before I could speak the next words, she darted to me and hugged me tightly. 

She was upset. 

"I've told you. This is not a pleasant story," I said. I could say that she was crying. "Don't cry. I don't remember much of how I felt back then. I'm ok now," I tenderly stroked her head.

"I've never thought..." she whimpered. "It's okay," I continued to stroke her head. "Do you want to hear more or..." I looked down at her.

She trembled but didn't speak for a while. Afterwards, she said a faint 'yes'.

I sighed and tightened my hands around her.