The Great Armies of Astrana

"She had done so much for us. As long as you won't harm her, and will protect her with the same determination we have, you are one of us Victor," those were the words I least expected from the mouth of someone like Garry. I knew he was very loyal when it comes to Athena, still, the fact that he was ready to accept me quaked a bit. Even Arthur didn't seem to be retaliating on his viewpoint.

These two men had been working for the king of Astrana for more than thirty years, at the least. 

"Don't be so surprised," Alastair spoke. "We've been arguing on this for many days already. At last, we were able to arrive at a decision yesterday."

I wanted to question him what exactly he told them so they were like this at the moment. Still, I chose to converse about this Athena first. It would be the safest method.

"Today, I'll start with explaining our hierarchy. You need to know things."