
From that day onwards until when she was blamed for plotting against him, I had considered her my friend. My true friend... My only friend...

I had been working to bring Victor and Her Highness together more than I spent with Flora as Alastair. I was trying to lessen the burdens she was bearing as the princess. 

I knew the whole time that she loved him greatly, like no other people. He was her everything. I knew it from the very beginning. Even when I tried to cheer her up for the past two years in the barracks, she wouldn't unless I mentioned his name. I knew it all. Still, for some reason, they together didn't feel right. 

Like the king feared, Victor was her weakness. Her only weakness...

This day when I had to duel him on the ground, in front of all those people, I originally wanted to let him win. I wanted to... I didn't care about those thousand eyes and the way they'll degrade the looser.