

"Where are we going?" Junichi grabbed Ava's waist as the breeze kept rushing past his face.

"If I turn back now, I'll get there late and the damage would have been done, you are just going to have come with me" She frowned.

"Yes!" He rejoiced, "This is going to be super…" He was cut off by Ava's protest.

"Just because you are coming with me, doesn't mean you get to do anything, stay put" After making their final turn, they saw a couple of civilians run past them.

"It must be here," Ava said, they both got down from the bike and started running towards where the civilians were running from, when they arrived at where the Meta 4's are they saw multiple Meta 4's with humans on their hands.

"It's a real Meta 4, no way" Junichi started moving forward, he was so drawn in by the Meta 4 that he just wanted to get a closer look.

"Wait, where are you going?" She grabbed her blade from the side of her bike before dragging Junichi back. "I told you to stay put." She moved forward while pushing him behind.

The sound that Junichi's body made when it made an impact with the ground, the sound drew all the Meta 4 that were larking around the surroundings to their position.

"This isn't going well" She looked around to see multiple Meta 4 coming out of different corners and rooftops, she stretched out her sword and started taking slow steps backward.

One of the Meta 4 leaped out of nowhere and was about to strike at Ava but then its head exploded when Mike blasted its head with his gun.

The rest of the team appeared including the Patrol squad, "Ava are you okay?" Jackson got down from his bike and ran towards her with the rest of the team following behind him.

"Wow there are so many!" Filo gasped.

"Yh don't you think it's kinda weird, why would this large amount of Meta 4's gather up in one place" Jackson started to question the way the Meta 4's were positioned.

"It doesn't matter, we came here to kill them all and that's what we'll do" she slashed her sword to her right before shifting her attention to one of the girls in the patrol squad, "I need you to escort him back to the headquarters".

Rachel sighed, "Fine, I don't like those creepy monsters anyway" She walked over to Junichi and dragged him to the bike on the ground.

"Hey wait! I wanted to see the fight" He struggled as his body was being dragged around on the ground.

"Shut up" Rachel tossed Junichi's body on the bike before hopping on the bike and driving off.

"You guys should head back to patrol, find any civilian in need and help them" She ordered, looking at the leader of the patrol team Yang.

"Understood, well you heard the lady, it's got time" They all went to their bikes and drove off.

"Now, let's dance," Ava said. They all stood in a small circular position while drawing out their weapons and entering their Meta 3 form.

While they were driving, Rachel noticed how the street was completely empty, usually, during the afternoon there are always other Meta 3 teams roaming around the area but this afternoon seems to be different.

"Something isn't right" She held Junichi's shirt collar and immediately jumped off the bike. As soon as her body touched the ground a Meta 4 who was hiding in one of the uncompleted buildings rushed out and smashed the bike.

The Meta 3 started coming out one by one, trying to surround them and cut off all their roots of escape.

"I knew it, they were tailing us" She grabbed Junichi's hand and started to run super-fast, but even with how fast she was running she couldn't outrun the multiple Meta 4's popping out from every corner.

One of the Meta 4 popped out of the corner and used its hand to smack Rachel to the side, still holding Junichi she went crashing into one of the buildings.

Before both of them could even get to their feet they were already surrounded by numerous Meta 4's walking towards them, "What should I do? Escaping this would be easier if it were only me but with him…" with fear in her eyes she turned to Junichi who was still in shock from all the Meta 4s he was seeing.

She brought out her gun, "I need you to stay behind me and don't move… okay?" She aims her gun at the Meta 4 who were drawing closer to them.

"Got it," he replied, he moved back and watched as Rachel started fighting off all the Meta 4. She was part of the Patrol squad so she doesn't really have that much fighting experience but even with that, she was still able to hold her ground.

While she was shooting at the Meta 4s she noticed that some of them were focused on getting to Junichi, "Wait, they are after him?" using her superhuman speed she started running towards them and shooting.

Just when she was about to grab Junichi and run for it, a white Meta 4 busted out of the ground blocking her path to Junichi, it came out so fast that Rachel didn't have any time to react.

Giving out a loud shriek it grabbed Rachel and tossed her in the middle of the Meta 4s, the Meta 4 rushed her as soon as her body touched the ground, she had nowhere to run.

The white Meta 4 was different from the rest, unlike the normal Metas who had gray skins and stood on their hands and feet, the white Meta 4 stood on only its feet and its body was identical to a human's own.

"Stay away!" Out of fear she started shooting aimlessly, they all covered her each grabbing a part of her body, "No wait!" she cried, "I don't want to die, I've been a good girl, I'm sorry" They ripped her body apart before slowly devouring her.

Junichi fell to his knees as he watched them eat her, looking down, his eyes widened in fear. The white Meta 4 star standing in front of him kicked Junichi's body into one of the uncompleted buildings.

His body landed on multiple sharp pointy sticks, he coughed out blood when his body made an impact with the sticks and was sticking out of his guts.

Through the window, he watched the white Meta 4 walk past the multiple Meta 4's that were munching on Rachel's dead body.

"Again and again, you keep killing humans… for what?!" the scar in his chest lit up and started sparking with red lightning all over, the light that was omitting from Junichi's position drew the attention of the Meta 4s.

"Screw this shit! I'm done" He slowly turned his neck to where the Meta 4's were standing, even with his body resting on a sharp stick he couldn't feel a thing with all the rage that he was feeling.

"Hey, ass holes…" His body gradually started turning into a Meta 3 from his chest that was bursting out red lighting "Imma freaking kill you all!" With the lighting covering his entire body and starching to the sky, he immediately turned into a Meta 3 and the building came crumbling from all the lighting strikes it was receiving.

He leaped out of the building's rubble in his Meta 3 form, red eyes and a red and black body to go with it, the white Meta turned back to see Junichiro who was now giving out multiple loud shrieks.