CHAPTER 39 : You purse your lips when you lie

King James Burchard was sunk into his chair as the members of his royal council argued back and forth.

"It's treason! If indeed the king of Meria sent their prince and that woman to cast some sort of a spell on prince Adam then they directly attacked the crown! I say we wage war!"

"Are you daft?! The prince is probably in Meria as we speak, if we wage war now he might be caught up in the crossfire!"

"So you suggest we just sit back and watch?!

"Shall I remind you all that my daughter Julia is heading to Meria as well, a war would uncover her identity and she could be killed."

"Lord Boleyn with all due respect, but your daughter was under no obligation to put herself in the front lines like that, she is probably doing it because she has a little crush on his highness."

"Say that to my face you old wind bag!"