Chapter 129 : Ripped apart

Melissa peeped out of the bedroom window and could hear the cries of war coming from a distance accompanied by the sounds of clashing swords.

[No.. Gary...]

She looked around the room in a panic trying to find anything that she could use to escape, but what? If she didn't hand herself over to Elric things would turn ugly and the people she cared about would be hurt. Her blue eyes landed in the bed and she had an idea. Melissa rushed to it and began peeling off the sheets from the bed, she tied the beddings together, secured one end to one leg of the bed and threw the other end out the window.

Melissa looked down the window and drew in a deep breath, it was quiet a long way down but she had no other choice. The princess climbed on the window and began to descend slowly, grabbing on to the sheets for her life.

Suddenly she heard the sound of something ripping, her eyes darted upwards and she saw the sheet parting in two.

"No... no... no!"