Chapter 210 : winter is upon us

Julia had not slept a wink for over a week now, did a war really take this long to end? She was going mad worrying about Clovis and wondering why they hadn't returned yet. She had her head laying on Clovis' bed while her body rested on the floor, she felt some sort of comfort whenever she was surrounded by his belongings and scent, so she had been spending her time in his chambers for a while now.

Julia craned her neck towards the door where someone was knocking and calling out to her, but unlike the usual feminine voice of her appointed hand maiden Fridah, there was a male voice that made her get to her feet.

"Lady Julia are you in there?"

Julia sighed in disappointment, that wasn't Clovis' voice. She had wanted to ignore whoever was calling to her but she walked towards the door hoping whoever it was had some good news for her. At this point any news would be good news as long as it assured her that her Clovis was still alive.