Chapter 238 : You’re on your own

Eira turned away from the man who was walking down the courtyard pavement. That annoying lycan, why did she ever allow herself to get mixed up with someone like that? He was infuriating with his long silky silver hair, his tall firmly toned body, his deep honey brown eyes and his-


The princess looked forward and saw Jacob standing right in front of her with his hands on her shoulders. Had he been calling to her all this time?

"Eira what happened in there? Are you okay? Did that man hurt you?"

Man? What man? Had Jacob caught glimpse of the confrontation that she had had with the silver haired lycan? "No, he didn't do anything to me please do not worry, we just got off on the wrong foot is all, I think he might have been a little drunk."

"Oh thank goodness.." Jacob sighed in relief. "I couldn't get through the crowd fast enough to help, I was worried he might harm you."