Chapter 252 : Are you seeing someone?

Jacob angrily stomped his feet like a child, as him and his sister walked down the busy roads of the market, back towards their carriage.

"Will you stop acting like such a child Jacob!" Janis yelled in irritation, "I swear if I was not holding my expensive gown, I would have slapped you silly by now. You're drawing unnecessary attention!"

"Might I reminded you dear sister, that your so called 'expensive gown' is the reason we're late!" Jacob complained. "We were supposed to meet Eira at the antic shop an hour ago, and she's probably gone by now thanks to you."

Jacob opened the carriage door and let his sister in before getting on himself and slamming the door shut. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed agitatedly.

"What exactly is the problem?" Janis asked her brother. "Okay, so you didn't get to go shopping with Eira, and so what? There will be other times. You are acting like you will never see her again after this."