Chapter 299 : The letter

The three men where already in their third cups of ale, and maxim could feel the alcohol slowly making him feel lightheaded, but he slowly continued drinking, not wanting to look suspicious.

Even though they were suppose to be relaxing, Damien had his eyes fixated on Maxim, watching his every move like a hawk.

"Prince Damien," the elf spoke, breaking the silence that seemed to be lingering among them. "You look like you have something to say, you've been staring daggers at me the entire evening."

"It's nothing," the red haired man responded and took a large gulp of his ale. "I observed you're not drinking much, are you trying to avoid getting intoxicated for some reason?"

"Well it would be rather embarrassing if I started drunkenly blabbing in front of my possible future in laws." Maxim responded with a broad smile. "I imagine you would disapprove of me as Eira's possible husband."