Friendship with Heart

Hello everyone, I'm Shruti and I'll tell you some parts of my horrific, bad and good memories. I'm 18 years old girl and after passing out from school, I decided to enjoy some time with my parents and friends before going into college life.

But I never imagined that in this shot vacation, some emotional and horrific things, I'll experience.

24 December 2012:

Today my dearest and closest friend, Bhumi left me alone. And yeah, I'm the only reason for her death. Whose repentance I'm still doing.

Before 6 years,

14 June 2006:

When we were three; I, Bhumi & Lena took the first step in our friendship.

We have enjoyed each other's company from the heart and finally, the day was not far when we came to know that we were deeply connected from the hearts.

If anyone of us, will hesitate to talk about something then the other one used to tell over her mouth.

I know that you people must be finding this a bit strange but this is what we are.

But there is saying that every relationship has its own test, something similar happened to our relationship also.

15 January 2010:

A new girl was transferred to our class, whose name was Dakshita. She was not good in appearance but not that bad also.

All of our classmates didn't much talk to her, because of her selfish and arrogant nature, although she belongs to a famous and rich family, she got a flattering girls group, who did not tire of praising her all the time.

But what do we have to do with it, we had already made and maintained our own separate world and like everyone else, we also did not even look at her.

Seeing whom Dakshita used to burn as inside. In fact, she was not jealous of our appearance neither family condition but it was about our deep friendship.

The main reasons to hate us, were our purity and trustfulness with each other, in which no one would flatter or insult anyone.

Dakshita had made up her mind to break our friendship, so she started waiting for an opportunity.

And one-day Bhumi got into a fight with us (me and Lena) about something that benefited Dakshita and unfortunately, Bhumi became her first victim for her plan.

From that day onwards, Bhumi didn't hang out with us as much as before, and when we tried to talk to her, she would become chronic and don't know what was the anger of us but because of all this.

Even after that, we knew that she was not a girl of such arrogance or selfish type as Dakshita.

Because of which we used to bear her every anger, but we had felt that someone was filling her mind against us, whom we had to find out.

And a few days passed like this, One day Lena and I were coming together towards school while making jokes around.

At a point, when there comes a turning point and on the corner of lamp post which a little far from us, where we saw that Dakshita and Bhumi were talking about some subject very close to each other.

Where there was a smile on Dakshita's face, on the other hand; there was sorrow and worry reflected on Bhumi's face, which makes us sad.

We were not able to hear their conversation from distance, but we had come to know that Dakshita is one, who tried to break our friendship.

We hide behind the tree with anger until they left.

After they left, Lena said to me angrily: "Oh my god…! So this Witch…is the mastermind of Bhumi's changing behaviour. I'll kill her. How dare of her, to come between our friendship?

She hasn't made any friends and that's why she is jealous of our friendship."

I understood her pain at that time but it was necessary to pacify her too, so I said while clamming down her anger.

"Yes...Of Course! We will take revenge on her and also steal our best friend from her clutches but in a right way…"

We decided that this time not like the above couple of times we worked, but with full planning and plotting.

I said to Lena: "But before doing anything else, I think that we should talk to Bhumi one more time and if we get her trust, then this work will become easier and we will also give proof to her."

By following my advice, Lena's anger subsided for the time being and she found that my statement to be meaningful somewhere.

And after making the deal, we went from the school.

Our school ended at about five o'clock in the evening and as we planned, we will go to the restaurant with Bhumi.

Because even before this we tried to talk to her many times in school but probably she was not to talk to us because of Dakshita's presence, so we thought that this time we'll talk out.

In the end, after much hesitation, Bhumi agreed to go with us and we went to our favourite restaurant "The Milliyani Restaurant."

To Be Continued...