Leaving home

As soon as the beam disappeared, one could hear a laugh. it resounded in every part of the city, and it was not a pleasant sound, it was the sound of a maniac.

All the people looked at the source of the sound, and surprisingly, it cam from the priest. The priest no longer had His white tunic on, he had blood red shirt, with white pants on, and his face distorted into the face of a demon.

the demon had two horns coming out of it forehead, and his mouth was filled with sharp racer like teeth. suddenly the demon looks up and yells.


At this moment, Alex's father woke up from his shock, he looks at the demon and asks

"Who are you? and what did you do to my son??"

The demon looks at Alex's father with a huge grin, like he heard a joke.

"I am the demon Alcard, and I just turned your son into something like a ... hmm ... like a what exactly ...?" the demon started mumbling mid sentence, like he actually didn't really know what he should call it. but he then looked up at Alex's father.

"I turned him into something that is neither human nor demon, because his title has both a human, and a demon part in it KEKEKE"

Alex's father had his face turn pale white, because in this kingdom, demons would not be allowed to live, and he himself hated demons more than anything.

He then looks at the demon, straight into the demons blood red eyes and yells.

"DIE!!!" he jumps straight at the demon. the demon is too quick, and slides to the side. Suddenly the mother wakes up, and she starts attacking the demon with icicle spears, but alas, the demon don't feel anything from that.

The demon looks around, amused by all the peoples faces, they look terrified, they look like they are about to break down. the demon starts to disappear, while saying his last sentence.

"How will you live with a Halve demon as a son KEKEKEKEKE!!" after those words, it was gone, like it was never there.

Alex is still standing in the middle of the plaza in shock, he does not have a clue of what just happened. At the moment he is trying to calm his thought, when he heard his fathers yell.

"ALEX!! Tell me your title now!!" his father sounds strangely nervous, the only thought Alex has is 'what the f*ck is happening??'

"C-C-Cursed S-Swordsman" Answered Alex while looking at his father. He suddenly sees something that doesn't look good. His fathers already pale face, turns even more pale, while his mother collapses.

Beware of what the demon says, in all demonic titles were either the word cursed or Blood, but in human titles were only something like 'swordsman', 'farmer' or 'smith'. in some rare cases did they have a word before their job, for instance 'Magic swordsman' or 'Magic knight', but the humans should never have 'cursed' in their title.

Now Alex's father looks at Alex with a distant look, like they never knew each other, which made Alex's hard cold, he started to pale, when he suddenly hears his father say.

"Demons like you are not allowed in this kingdom! I will give you the chance to get out of our city now, because of our previous bond as father and son!! NOW LEAVE!!"

Alex looked around dejectedly, everyone is looking at him like he is a freak. His heard in ruins, when he sees that no one is standing up for him, as he sees this, the before beautiful and vibrant city, now look dark and sad.

He is starting to calm his mind that was previously in a mess, he rises up, and starts to think 'why am I so calm, why don't I feel anything, is this the demon in me'. He started to wonder 'no, I have just accepted fate'.

he started to walk out of the city, with a dejected face and broken heart.