Chapter 7

"Here, take this, you can use this," Jaxtyn said handing her a broom.

Jaxtyn brought a broom and dirt spade for Chelsea to use. Grabbing it from his hands, she was shocked when he pulled it away.

Raising a brow, she wondered if everything was okay with him.

"Let me have it, the night has been half spent already, this is your time we are now wasting," Chelsea mouthed looking at the man standing in front of her.

"It's alright, let me do it," he blurted out.

Instantly, his words caused Chelsea's hands to freeze midway. She couldn't believe her eyes, Mr. Jaxtyn was telling her to let him sleep the broken glass particles, like seriously?

Just thinking about it made it her widen her eyes in shock, unable to believe the words that had just escaped Jaxtyn's lips.

Seeing it as some kind of cruel joke on her person, she decided to deny it with an edge of mockery present in her voice.

"It's alright, I think I can handle this by myself, if you do not mind, you can wait for me at the corner, I will come to you when I am done cleaning," she mouthed sincerely.

Jaxtyn who still had the broom in his hands, brushed her offer aside, after all, he had the broom, and could clearly determine if he should give her or not.

Of course, his mind had been made up already, and giving her was not part of the plan, not at all, so he didn't stress denying it to her.

Bowing, Jaxtyn tried sweeping.

The effect he did frightened Chelsea, she felt like he was about to commit a sin in which she had initiated. To her, it felt like a taboo.

Chelsea started by screaming, which startled the hell out of Jaxtyn, making him to stop for a brief moment to know why she had actually shouted.

"Are you alright?" he inquired staring at him in bewilderment.

"Of course, I am fine, unlike me, the person you should worry about is you, I think you aren't fine, not the least," she shot.

For a brief second, Jaxtyn stopped glaring at Chelsea, he raised a brow at her as if trying to determine what her claims is all about.

"Why am I not fine?" he demanded not understanding what is going on.

Chelsea already had enough of this drama, and the least he could portray now is what she would term it as a pretense. She doesn't want it that way, so she is going to talk things out directly they way they are without twisting any of her words.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled before bursting out her heart content to this man that stood seductively in front of her waiting for a reply.

"I will tell you why, Sir, this is because a Mafia prince like you can't do trivial things as such, it is too petty for your liking, like defiling your honor against a little wimp like me. I did the mistake, I broke the bottle, let me do the cleaning, please," Chelsea muttered pleadingly.

Her tone, choice of words, and equally facial expressions made Jaxtyn have the urge to chuckle, when he did, his voice was rich, it sounded like the roar of a new engine of a car being ignited.

It was this kind of hearty laughter that was offensive and caused Chelsea to furrow her brows in confusion.

"What is funny? I respect your status a lot, and no matter what you say, you will definitely have to allow me to clean this up," she said, urging him to give her the tools.

"Fine, you win, but then, you must hold the dirt spade, when I clean the broken glasses, you can carry it in the dirt spade, and so, everyone has something to do. How about that?" he inquired looking at her pretty face.

This is absolutely not a bad idea, and as Chelsea was damn tired of fighting over something which wasn't worth it, even a bit, she jumped into it. Bu the way, he opted to help her, and not the other way round.


As Jaxtyn cleaned the broken pieces of the bottle, and Chelsea stood beside him waiting patiently to gather the pieces, he constantly kept picking at her from time to time.

To Jaxtyn, he still stands on the fact that he had met a lot of beautiful girls in Douala, especially when it has to do with ladies from his club, he has had to encounter many more than he can actually think about, and the joy of it has never aroused in him, talk less of the connection that spread between the two of them.

He knew there is more to this, he didn't just know how to explain it, coupled with the fact that they just met, it is so heartbreaking to know that, just thinking about it makes her constantly roll her eyes towards those things.

Jaxtyn was deep in thoughts and as his mind was pulled on Chelsea, it drew him away to a faraway land, brushing his thoughts aside.

Jaxtyn was no longer focused on the task he had before him, so was Chelsea, she stooped with the dirt spade in her hand, her mind crashed far away to a land wondering why a man like Jaxtyn will choose to help her in her task.

The more she pressed her mind away from it, the more the stupid mind pulled itself on its own, strolling aimlessly towards an unknown place.

Jaxtyn was busily sweeping when he heard a loud scream which didn't seem familiar at all. The shouting had frightened him, and as he blinked severally to regain his mind and refreshen it as much as possible, the next thing he noticed was blood on the floor, with Chelsea sitting on the floor, he tried his best to know what is going on.

"Oh my... sweet Lord, what happened to you?" Jaxtyn asked startled by the quantity of blood be saw streaking out from her hand.