Chapter 16

Chelsea knew that there was no hope for her, she had not come here to be drunk, and even if she is, not every part of her body is drunk. Just that she can think properly, and says things in an incoherent manner that doesn't make the least sense.

As Chelsea sat on the chamber pot to urinate, she felt all her failures were a weight on her, she felt how her whole dreams crumbled in front of her. She didn't bargain for this, not in a bit, and wouldn't have ever accepted to spend a night where wouldn't be paid, never.

All the frustration climbed on her head as she sat there feeling so low spirited and weak, she blamed herself for doing such things to herself.

Had she known, she would never have drunk so much, yes, it is solely her fault because she went about drinking so much as if she was a baby in the drinking domain, by now, she is supposed to know her system and not get carried away by Jaxtyn's grey eyes, coated with a huge amount of green, which is beautiful to look at.

Jaxtyn stood beside the sink looking at the mirror, while slowly peeping at Chelsea, he knew he just vomited the worst words from his mouth, something that is more than the word offensive, but then, he needs to be straightforward with the lady that sat on the chamber pot wasting to release her bowels, she now seemed innocent as if she was a rose.

Chelsea tried her best to camouflage the tears that threatened to pour out, and the more she bit her lower lips, the higher the torn tank was ready to be released.

Biting harder on her lips, making sure she doesn't hurt herself, she finally burst out in tears, as she choked on her thoughts.

'Why me?' she asked herself severally as she cried.

It didn't make sense that Chelsea would cry because Jaxtyn had refused to have an affair with her, she had low self-esteem to even carry herself up, this is sole because she was so damn pissed off, like seriously.

Nothing seems to be moving well for her, and this is her fault because she accepted to come here, why hadn't she known that before actually setting feet in this house.

Chelsea could not control the tears that poured out of her eyes, she was weak, and the more she tried controlling it, the more the tears poured out of her, the more she couldn't even resist it, because the torrent was too much for her to hold it down.

Jaxtyn was shocked when Chelsea started crying, she didn't expect her to be such a cry baby and as he stared at her, she covered her face between her hands, not wanting to show her tear-streaked face, it is evident that Chelsea is shy, and most of this her irrational behavior is caused by her excess intake of alcohol.

"This is all my fault," Jaxtyn murmured to himself, seeing that he had done something bad and is now purely putting the blame on her.

Yes, no one asked her to drink too much but if he would not have served her that quantity, she would never have had consumed more than the system could take.

Rushing towards her, Jaxtyn tried his best to be polite and wanted to catch up with his mistakes.

Touching Chelsea lightly on her shoulders, he decided to be good to her, especially with his movements, considering that now that she is Drunk, she is liable to do the least pain that strikes her body.

Swallowing hard, he knew there are problems which he has to solve and the earlier he does so, the better I will be for him, particularly with the lady that sat in front of him urinating.

"Come on, babe Chelsea, you can't be crying in this manner, it will harm only you, and I do not want you to wake up with a headache or some kind of headache in the morning. If you don't mind, I would love to take you to the room now where you will have some rest," Jaxtyn slow said, informing her.

To Chelsea, Jaxtyn was probably ranting some incantations because it didn't make any logical sense to her to know that he was saying something soothing, especially when he is the sole author of this monstrous feeling, it is so damn more than the young lady can take it.

"Don't touch me," Chelsea barked slapping her hands off her shoulders, it is something that is beyond reasoning, coupled with the way she behaves.

"Come on now, lady, you can't remain here, stand, you are going to bed now, you aren't okay at all," he mouthed explaining the issue to her.

Chelsea didn't seem to like the idea, but then, a sharp pain ached her head, making her want to pass out, but then, she is a strong lady, powerful than anyone can ever imagine, and the earlier she had a bed rest, the better it would be for her.

Jaxtyn did not need Chelsea to give him yes as an answer because the moment he noticed that she was silent, to him it meant yes, it is a pace for him to take her to the room.

He held her firmly and slowly made her to stand on he feet, Chelsea didn't resist, even when he arranged her pant on her waist before the left the bathroom with Jaxtyn's hands, securely locked around Chelsea's waist, making sure that she doesn't know anything bad that is coming there.

Actually, the bed is not a bad place for Chelsea right now, instead, that is what she needs, and as she approached him blindly, Jaxtyn helped her to climb on the bed, something which she might appreciate as a victory over this hard girl.

The young lady's heart tightened inside her, that was warming, she bowed her head and blushed profusely. That was the best thing that could happen to her.