Chapter 22

"I need to go home... ouch! if only this headache could leave so that I would have a clear mind," she spat saying most of the things to Jaxtyn, while keeping the rest for herself.

Jaxtyn didn't hold her thighs this time trying to stop her, he didn't even offer a word to her, except for the fact that he released his grasp from her body, allowing her to go.

Chelsea sensing that she had a free way to escape, she decided to slide out of the bed before the man could change his mind and tie her to the bed.

Immediately as Chelsea slide out of the bed, she could no longer feel her legs, it felt like they became weak all of a sudden and she could no longer control them.

Chelsea stood at the edge of the bed, from her waist down to her toes were unmovable, she could barely even raise her legs. Taking a deep breath, she decided to calm down, maybe she was too excited to leave that she doesn't notice her legs were not moving again.

After about one minute of calming her hormones down, she decided to try it once more. Her barefoot on the carpet floor was soothing especially as the furs of the carpet curled around her feet twinkling her.

"Are you alright, Chelsea, I can help you if you want it," Jaxtyn said behind her back, trying to draw her attention.

Swirling her head towards her back, she saw Jaxtyn's worried face, as he tried to put correct reasoning into her head.

She heaved a sigh which happened to be clutched in her throat, and gathering all the energy she could afford in this world, she decided to stand.

At first, it was normal and everything seemed to be okay, so she gathered all the courage she could muster and took the first step.

'Youpi! I can make it through, just a little more steps, and I will arrive at the door,' Chelsea made a mental note to herself as much as possible to encourage herself.

Once more, Chelsea took another step making it feel easy, but then, when she felt so excited about the fact that she could walk freely with her legs not buckling again one another or her head throbbing so badly because her head ached so much.

Unfortunately, Chelsea had rejoiced so early, and the moment she took her third step, landing it on the ground, she shrieked out of pain as she collapsed on the floor. She started shouting at once, as the tears streaked her face.

"My legs, oh! my head hurts too," she cried.

Jaxtyn who had not expected such things to happen, so he hurried towards the side of the floor, kneeling beside Chelsea as he tried to make sounds that will soothe her temperament a little.

"Calm down, Chelsea, take a deep breath, yes, good, that is it. Now, tell me where you are feeling pains," he said trying to coax her to feel at ease with him.

His plans were far from the reality, Chelsea slapped his hands off her legs as he had placed his hand there for support.

She burst out crying even harder, and as she did so, she closed her eyes, allowing the tears to flow down her cheeks, soaking her shirt with the stainless liquid.

She didn't respond to his question because she was busily crying when she had the chance to do so, and the more he tried seeking for an answer, the harder she increased her vocal cords, crying even the more.

"Chelsea, calm down, just tell me what the problem is, I promise you, I might solve it if it is within my reach," he mouthed assuringly.

Even though Chelsea felt so much pain, she tried her best to hide that emotion as easily as she could.

"I am fine thank you," she let out, repeating the same sentence she had said a while ago.

Her reply got Jaxtyn to be annoyed, and it caused him to start yelling at her without even knowing, coupled with the fact that she just brushed his hands away from her body.

Taking a deep breath, Jaxtyn nursed the words she wanted to spit out of his mouth carefully, it is going to be so harmful, especially to her ego, and the moment he realizes it, the impact might be so severe on her.

Hissing, he let them fall out of his mouth like torrents, ready to splash it out everywhere and just anyhow.

Using his index finger to point at her face, she started,

"You know what, Chelsea, this stupid response of yours sulks, you are as stubborn as a mare, lady. You told me you were okay while we were on the bed, and here you are, lying on the carpet helplessly," Jaxtyn spat at her, shaking his head pitifully.

Chelsea's eyes water some more, she has always been a cry baby, her eyes always wet, knowing that she could not help herself but cry, she decided to avert his eyes from his, afraid that his hard glare might reach her soul, demanding her stop crying.

It is not her fault that she had drank excessively last night, in fact, she has not done anything to merit this but yet, here she is, lying on the ground with probably a sprained leg and a mother of a headache.

Sighing, she bowed her head trying to avoid his eyes from hers.

Chelsea was aware of the fact that Jaxtyn braced his attention on her face, she wriggled beneath his stare, it was kind of awkward to know that.

She didn't reply when Jaxtyn. had said her response sulks, she personally knew it does, but he did not have anything to bait for apart from accepting it so easily, there was practically nothing she could do if not of rejecting it.

"But, I am alright, aren't I? my legs just buckled, and ouch! this constant headache that keeps flipping on and off in my head is so annoying," she let out in pain trying to hold her head in agony.

Her explanations just caused Jaxtyn's voice to become harsh instead of being smooth, he knew that if he makes his tone to be flat, the stubborn ass lady wouldn't listen to him even if it is for a second, therefore, he has to deepen his voice to fix the context.

"For heaven's sake, Chelsea, you aren't fine at all. I will take you to the bed and you will have to rest, I think that is what you need right now, and unless you have it, you wouldn't be completely free from the stress that you have put yourself under," he said sternly.

Jaxtyn had this bit of authoritative voice plastered at the edge of his tongue bringing him the title of respect.

Unlike what he expected, a soft crying lady to fall on his decisions with open arms, having nothing to say, he caught his shock big time with the actions that unfolded themselves in front of him.

Chelsea cleaned her tear-streaked face with the back of her hands, making sure that she doesn't cry anymore. As Jaxtyn had made his plans, so was she having her own plans too, and talking against what this proud man had just said is one of those things she hurriedly needs to do.

"I know that I need to rest, but if you do not mind, I will want to go home now, because I'll have enough time to rest there, you understand right?" she inquired blushing profusely.

Jaxtyn's head seemed to be blank for a moment, especially as he refused to think about it, but then, his mind suddenly broadened as if the light of knowledge had done on him, causing him to chuckle a little.

Chelsea is a lady, and she needs her space, something that this man wouldn't readily give her if she stays here besides, her body aches her a lot.

"Please stop laughing, I don't find it the least funny," Chelsea said twisting her face while throwing her head behind.

She was so damn embarrassed, and the more she tried hiding it this way, the more it was visible to Jaxtyn's eyes, making him laugh in a mocking silence.

"It's okay, lady Chelsea, I am not mocking at you, but one thing you should know is that... you aren't going out of here unless you are fine," he spat.

Chelsea gasped in fear, while shouting, "Don't tell me you have kidnapped me," she said tears starting to accumulate in her eyes.

"Yes, you are my captive for the day, Chelsea," he shot a small smile curling around his lips.

He knew his words will hurt the lady.