Chapter 25

The moment Chelsea stepped her legs on the carpet floor, Jaxtyn snored and it caused her heartbeat to accelerate. For a moment, she thought that he had caught her in action as she is about to flee, but no, he hadn't because he was still asleep.

Chelsea looked at the man sleeping peacefully, as if he had no debts in this world, at least, he didn't, the only person that had a problem right now is her because she is the one trying to escape, and the earlier she did so, the better it would be for her.

Chelsea did not want to breathe so soon, so she tightened her air in her chest, trying her best not to breathe so easily, she didn't even want anything to do with him for now as she has spent a lot of time here.

Firstly, Chelsea gently stood from the bed, and she only had the shirt Jaxtyn had given her earlier on her body, and it was a white oversized shirt, with its big sleeves around her hand.