Chapter 31

Maybe all this thing had been planned already, Chelsea has watched a lot of films where people have been framed up this way, is this an example of such an activity?

Chelsea's heart was beating already, she cracked my brain, thinking if she stole anything from this mansion while she was asleep, who knows, maybe that might be the case, but just thinking about it made her heart ache so much, she feared for her life, she actually wished none of this is true.

"What do you want from me?" Chelsea asked staring deep into Jaxtyn's deep eyes, drowning in his pool of deep green eyes.

Jaxtyn was very good at hiding his emotions, and as Chelsea searched through his face, she could barely gather any information on whether she is happy or sad, one thing that even go him mad the more.

Chelsea stared at Jaxtyn's plain face, and as she wondered what all this early morning drama is, the mafia prince's voice shot into her head.