Chapter 37

Well, at the time he said those things, it didn't mean a lot to him, he just wanted her to come back to him begging, but then, she had put up a straight face and long chin facing the ceiling, indicating that she did not fear him, and his words mean the least to him.

Just by doing such is enough to let him know that she is not one of those gold diggers at the club, no, she has some sense of dignity and would not beg. Yes, that is why she did not bother whether she had transport to return to her home or not.

"That is the kind of lady I need, but unfortunately for me, nobody owns her, she does not even belong to any man, instead all the men want her and clamors for her. Is it worth it then?" Jaxtyn wondered.

Of course, he knows the answer, it belongs to him, and only him and whatever he thinks is best for him, he is only going to abide by such decisions only.