chapter 57

"Aghhh! please, take it easy, oh! that touch is ticklish, like seriously, I didn't see that coming," Chelsea blurted out with her lips pasted against Jaxtyn's own. 

The kiss is a passionate one, she had not expected this to happen, and as she witnesses it, the joy of having such an experience is so Dramatic especially when they have their bodies gluing against one another, it is kind of weird. 

"Oh my God! you are so good, Chelsea, everything from your head to toe is so attractive, I like you already, nothing can make me think otherwise now," Jaxtyn said amidst kisses. 

He didn't believe that he had actually said those words, his face turned a hue of bright red as he had let the words slip out of his mouth. It didn't mean anything to Chelsea she brushed it aside because she had heard many people say that to her.

It is like a normal routine to her, so she slides it past her mind. There is no doubt that she has a pretty face always ready to squeeze out several kisses from it.