Chapter 86

Sighing, he just wanted to brush his mind away from it, definitely didn't make any sense. Tilting his head towards Jonas side, the first urge in his mind was to blast him the same way Kelvin had done it to him, but that will definitely mean that It will be a transfer of aggression, and as such, he doesn't want such a thing to happen to him.

 "To regain my seat," he spelat out as he tried his best to press his lips tightly against one another, he didn't want to sound rude, and as he glared at the David, he had his own share of his mind to give him. 

"Please, can we have the meeting now, I have several things to do," he spat out.

David lifted his wrist up to check the time, and it was quite late. Clearing his throat to gain Jaxtyn's attention, he spat out out sarcastically while glaring at his face. 

"That is 00:45 a.m. what else do you have to do at this time apart from sleeping?" he asked raising his brows at him.