Chapter 132

She wanted it to stay that way because she planned a little future for themselves, but that dream was truncated when she saw the demon that was in the cover behind the sweet talking man.

Chelsea didn't expect the man who entered the room because she didn't even know he was in town. When her eyes met with Jaxtyn's beautiful emerald eyes, she almost passed out with the fact that he has missed her so much, but that feeling was quickly replaced with hatred. 

"Hey, dude! what are you doing here?" he shouted out pretending like she didn't recognize him. 

Of course, Chelsea had recognized the young man, and everything on him. He knows that crazy smile of his, his straight nose, everything that has to be part of him, she truly knows even the worried look that creased his forehead. That was kind of embarrassing, but damn it, what more could she have asked for more than having to see the man that had made herbfel secure with him, and then betrayed her so badly.