Chapter 1 - Setting the Stage 1

3rd person POV

A woman lies on a hospital bed. Her hair is brown, reaching to her shoulders. At the moment it's disheveled and matted to her forehead with sweat. Her skin pale, but slowly retaining its natural rosy hue. Eyes a deep hazel color, when looked into show a natural intelligence. But for the moment appeared tired and reddened. Her face holds a kind and caring smile as she looks down at the bundle, she holds in her hands.

A sleeping baby already cleaned and wrapped breathes quietly against her warmth. A baby boy, named Peter William Fitzpatrick, son of Mary Teresa Fitzpatrick.

Time skips to a few months later

Switch to Peter's POV

How did this happen, a question repeatedly cycling in my head. I'm a literal baby again. First, I have to rewind a few months back, before I was a baby. I was a seventeen-year-old on my way to graduation. Top of my class in all subjects, participant in all sorts of extracortical activities, and the perfect example of a perfect son.

My life was perfect in every way. Yeah, no it wasn't. I was exhausted almost constantly, every day of the week. Even the weekend, the supposed time for resting wasn't a resting period for me. No, it was more studying and organizing events as part of some stupid school group. I had no time for enjoyment at all in my life except maybe in like preschool.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't from a poor family or anything like that. We we're actually quite well off in life. But I had to live up to the standard of what my parent's wanted all because of image and some sort of respect received from having the perfect son. The only solace I received in my seventeen years of living was from reading, and no not some books about literature or about how to succeed in life.

I read comics. It was introduced to me when I was in middle school, a private one at that. A student in class next to me was reading one on Spider-Man, I didn't really know at the time who that was due to my hyper focused state on school. Being a naturally curious person, I asked what he was reading. He looked appalled at me, like I spit on his shoes. He would then go onto a tangent of what comics were and how amazing they were to read.

So, with my interest piqued and bored from reading a textbook to prepare for the coming lesson, I asked if I could borrow a comic of his. He gladly agreed to it and gave me some to read. Some of the stories were okay and others I really couldn't get into, but there was one that really just instantly drew my attention.

It was comics about Spider-Man. A boy burdened with circumstances he never asked for and trying to live up to the ideals of a man he loved as a father and respected.

I guess I connected in a way to him. Living up to ideals is what really connected to me. I try to live to the ideals of what my parents expect of me because I don't want to disappoint them even though I am not really happy. Whereas Peter Parker does it out of guilt and a twisted sense of responsibility for his actions, trying not to disappoint his Uncle Ben.

So, with that I grew invested into reading as much as I could till, I finally caught up to being seventeen years old a few years later. I came off a pretty exhausting day, one of the worst ones I've ever felt. So, to relax I went into my room to read some comics, instead of studying. I opened the comic and starting reading.

It was the newest series of Spider-Man. It seems like his life sucks once again. Broke and no Mary Jane Waston again in his life. It really saddens me to see his character constantly dragged through the mud and then run over with a semi-truck.

As I keep reading though, my vision slowly started to blacken, and I started finding it harder to breathe. I dropped the comic book and slowly fell over into a lying down position on my bed. Everything went to black when my eyes closed.

Guess I died of exhaustion most likely. At least that's my assumption of what happened. Then I woke up here, as a baby being born. Screaming out into the world after feeling the harsh coldness of the air and being pressured out of a freaking woman's genitalia.

Hearing loud voices, at least it sounded loud to me. I fell asleep shortly after only seeing shapes of black and white. Only remembering later this was due to a underdeveloped retina from being born.

So that about catches up to right now a few months after my birth. My mother breast feeding me as she sits in a chair watching the news about something. I've learned my name is Peter, which is fine, I guess. Not like I had a certain kind of preference for my name. New life, new me right.

Though I still do wonder how my parents are going to react. Will they be sad of my death or will they move on relatively quickly. I still do love them even if I found no enjoyment in life. But I can't go back anymore if this is some reincarnation for me. Just have to take the time to move on.

I can live a leisurely life now, especially if I was born before all the big brands. I can invest and make myself into a literal billionaire with time. My mom makes a disapproving hum and I turn away from her breast to see what she's looking at.

I think she realizes I'm done feeding, so she covers herself back up and turns me more forward for a better relaxed position. I look forward with what limited head turning I can to look at the tv. Listening in on what it's saying now with focused attention.

"Can you believe that Playboy billionaire Tony Stark has been caught in another scandal involving models from a newest fashion line," says the male anchorman.

"Actually, I can believe that it is in his title as Playboy," Replies the female anchorwoman. Both release some chuckles at that.

"Hard to imagine it's been a few years now since his father has passed and he has inherited all the shares making him the main shareholder of Stark Industries," continues the anchorman.

"He has yet to make any major changes to the company, but I'm sure he'll surprise everybody one way or the other," Adds the anchorwoman. Mom turns it off after that and starts heading into the room to set me down in my crib next to her bed. I stay silent throughout all of it and take my time to digest this.

I thought maybe the name Tony Stark was just someone coincidently named after Iron Man, but well it definitely looks like things aren't as normal as they should be. It seems I've been reborn into the Marvel Universe or some version of it. Well, this sucks balls.

Time skips a few years (There's a couple more time skips for his childhood years for those wondering. Mainly involving the main things leading up to his teenage years.)

Switch to Mary's (His mom) POV

Hard to believe it's been four years now. Four years since he left me with Peter, our son. It saddened and broke my heart he isn't here for Peter as a father should. But everything has been going fine, better than fine if anything.

I've always heard stories of how hard and exhausting it is to raise a child and that's with both parental figures. Yet, Peter has been a true treasure, only fussing when he needs a changing or is hungry. It's still exhausting though when I'm only alone taking care of him.

He acts a little strange sometimes, but I'm sure he is just playing with his imagination. He understands all instructions I give him. Never really dirties himself when eating either. I thought of enrolling him into preschool at first but decided against it when I could just teach him myself.

I'm not one of the leading scientists in Oscorp for nothing. His teaching has been going quite fast if anything, he absorbs almost anything I teach him. Which is just basic stuff, but still. My baby boy might just be a genius when he grows up.

He speaks rather well for his age; I know around four is when at least a child can speak a few worded sentences. But Peter is able to speak a whole mouthful of words into a sentence, I'm happy he's a quick learner. Makes things easier and more importantly it makes me proud as his mother.

Right now, Peter is sleeping in his bedroom. While I am preparing his breakfast, I'm thankful I don't have to go back to work for the moment. Norman was understanding and let me take leave from the company to take care of Peter, telling me of his own son about the same age as Peter.

The money my parents left me when dying and the money I've saved up through the years has let me able to buy a house in Queens and stay afloat for quite a bit. I was from a wealthy family which gave me plenty of opportunities to get the education of my choosing when younger and now is helping me spend time with my son.

Enough money to live most of Peter's younger years without me taking up my job again. I was the head of the Genetics Lab in Oscorp. Many of my associates were saddened upon my leaving, but I'm sure Connors can pick up the slack in my absence, even with his disability.

I hear Peter come into the kitchen shortly with his messy brown hair from me and hazel eyes he also received from me. Rubbing at his eyes as he slowly walks toward me. What a cute little munchkin with his crazy bed head hair.

"Morning mom," says Peter with a small voice, yawning immediately after.

"Good morning, sleepy head," I greet him back, with a warm smile.

I turn off the stove to walk over to him, picking him up in my arms to set him onto a chair at the table. He gives a mumbled thanks before resting his head on the table.

I rub his head as he tries to swipe away my hands. Chuckling, I walk over and set the eggs and sausage onto a plate for him. Pouring some orange juice from the fridge into a cup with a straw.

He starts eating his food as I give myself something to eat, sitting next to him. I feel like I forgot something about today. Oh right, Peter has a playdate with one of my friend's kids. I'm sure he'll be happy to leave the house and make his own little friend. I smile at that thought and decide to tell him about it.

"Hey sweety I got a surprise for you," I tell him after he finishes sipping his orange juice. He looks up at me to listen.

"A surprise?" questions peter with a tilt of his head. How cute!

"Yep, you get to make a friend today," I explain with an excited tone. He sits there and doesn't really react. I'm sure he's just processing my words. I get up and pick him up to get him ready for the day and Peter just stares out into the abyss the whole time.

Transition to Peter's POV

I thought today would just be another day of mother teaching me what I already knew, but nope. Now I'm going to have to interact with a freaking preschooler. This is just my life now, got to suck it up. Speaking of my life it isn't so bad, but there are some definite questions going on in my head these past couple of years.

First being am I supposed to be some alternate version of Peter Parker? My reason for this is mainly because of who my mom is once I realized it. She was Peter's mom in basically everything, always the same name, Mary Teresa Fitzpatrick. Even looks like the descriptions I've always read about her. There's also my first name, which is actually named from his grandfather on his father's side in the comics. Yet my middle name is named after my grandfather on my Mother's side. So, no Uncle Ben for me I guess, if I'm really Richard Parker's son in the end.

Does this mean that Richard Parker is still my father or is my name being Peter just a weird coincidence. Speaking of my father, whoever he is, where the hell is he? Did he go to get the milk and never come back? Mom never brings up anything related to a father, so it's best not to ask till I'm older. Might be a tad bit weird for me to ask about a father, when I've never really been taught anything concerning dads much.

I tug uncomfortably at the belts of my booster seat as mom drives towards the destination of her friend. I hope her friends' kid isn't some spaz at least. A quiet kid would be nice, can have my own little henchman. Just kidding, grooming little kids for things is not something that sounds right. Even to make a henchman out of. (This is just him joking around, don't take it too seriously)

Transition to Mary's POV

We arrived shortly at the high-rise penthouse. I took Peter out of his booster seats, and we proceeded to head into the building. After being called in the both of us arrived in an elevator, with Peter fidgeting every so often. Probably excited to meet someone new.

I haven't really been able to give Peter a lot of people to interact with, other than myself. My parents aren't alive to be grandparents to him and his father isn't here either.

He also never told me if he had any family, so it's just been the two of us. Peter must have sensed my worsening mood as he gave my leg a hug with his small stature. I smile at his caring gesture. All the family I need is Peter, as long as Peter is happy than I am too.

The elevator door opens as we proceed to walk into the penthouse. It's been so long since I've been here. It's decorated with expensive painting and antiques everywhere. I personally like homes that are much smaller and comfortable, that give a homely feeling. This feels emptier with how quiet it is. I hear footsteps approaching us after a moment of observing and reminiscing.

I look over and see two friends I made during my university student days.

"Norman it's been so long and Emily you look wonderful," I greet my friends with a smile. Emily responds with a smile of her own. While Norman quirks his lip up slightly before going back to his normal face. He never was expressive when it came to his emotions, but he was like that when I first met him too.

"Thank you, Mary, and you look great yourself. Barely aged a day since the last time I saw you," Compliments Emily. I smile at her compliment of me, even if it probably is just being courtesy for my previous comment.

"It has been a long time hasn't it, at least for an in-person meeting," Adds Norman himself. Looking away from me after saying that and observing Peter below. I take the chance to now introduce Peter to them physically as they knew I had a son. I just haven't personally seen someone to introduce him.

"Well, you should know why it's been so long. My main reason being my little ball of joy here," I explain while nudging Peter forward with my hands on his shoulders in a gentle manner. I always remember how my mother presented me to her friends when I was younger myself.

Switch to Peter's POV

My mother nudges me forward as I follow the flow of movement. Standing now in front of her and facing Norman freaking Osborn. Talk about dropping a damn bombshell in front of me mother.

Oh, what's that, you're friends with the Green Goblin. Thanks for the heads up, sheesh. He doesn't look as oppressing as I thought he would, probably because his wife isn't dead in this universe or ditched him in fake death.

"Um hello, my name is Peter," I say while switching my focus between the two adult figures in front of me. My voice is a little quiet, but can I be blamed. I'm a little nervous here meeting someone that is canonically a psychopath in the almost everything he's ever showed up in. Maybe this Norman is different though, different universe might mean different Norman.

"Hello there Peter, my name is Emily, and the brooding man over here is Norman," says Emily to me after dropping down to talk to me more clearly. Got to admit this lady has some big balls, no wonder Norman found an interest in her. I observe Norman for a reaction, and he only raises an eyebrow at her before focusing back onto me.

"Mary would it be fine if I took him to Harry's room?" questions Emily towards my mother. Welp time to go make friends with Harry Osborn.

"Sure, I bet Peter is excited to make a friend," replies my mother, ruffling my hair as Emily takes my hands to walk me down a hallway. I look behind me and see my mother and Norman conversing as we head off into the expansive home to wherever Harry's room is.

The corridor is long as we walk down it. Paintings cover the wall of the family or of just random portrait crud. Never really got into the interest of expensive decorations like my previous parents did.

"So, Peter what do you like," Asks Emily in that weird way of asking a toddler something. Like when talking to someone who might not understand you. It's a little annoying, but after seventeen years of putting up with people's crap to be almost perfect, my tolerance to stuff is decently high. Being taught a poker face was one of the first things I learned to impress others.

"I like to learn," I reply honestly. Not like I'm actually learning anything new from mother but watching the tv does let me in on somethings. Like a Captain America documentary I watched while my mother was sleeping. Or a documentary on the advancements of science made by people in the world. It was a little interesting considering that it talked about Tony Stark's father and his contributions during one point of the documentary.

"Oh, and what have you learned," She continues as we come to a door. Finally, thought this hallway went on forever, maybe it's because I got short stubby legs of a four-year-old.

"Math and words," I respond as she opens the door to a pretty big room. In the room is a child around my age, with lighter brown hair than mine. He's just sitting on his bed as a butler just stands to the side watching over him. At least they didn't leave him by himself in this room too big for someone his age.

Well here goes nothing I guess

Switch to Mary's POV

I'm currently in Norman's study going over the documents related to a project we've been working on for a while. Something that could change the world and put Oscorp as one of the leading scientific firms of the world and in history.

"So, Connor's hasn't made much progress has he," I ask, in a serious tone. This is one of my life's works after all. I gave up working on it for Peter. Not something I regret doing either.

"How could you tell?" snarks Norman in a sarcastic tone. Seems he isn't satisfied either with its progress. I'm not satisfied, but this isn't my problem to solve anymore. Even though I feel a slight inclination to do the work myself.

"Norman what is the point of showing me this, you know I'm not part of the company anymore. I can't do anything for you at the moment," I ask, getting to the point of this. Norman always had a way with words with others, but I've known him long enough to know how he acts when he needs something.

"You say you're not part of the company, yet you hold more shares than most do," He comments after a moment of looking at some papers himself.

"Shares that you gave me Norman," I countered. I never bought them myself, but Norman found a reason to give me them when I left with Peter's birth. Maybe he saw it as a way to gain favor with me.

"Now stop beating around the bush, just say it already. You know I don't like this round about methods of yours," I tell him, continuing to look over some more of the documents concerning project Oz.

"I need you back working on project Oz, it has barely made any headway with that fool Connors. His mind is too clouded with his own idea to be working on this. And I don't want Stromm on this either. He needs to stay in the engineering division, don't need him meddling with this," Explains Norman in a serious tone. My brow scrunches as he goes on.

He is right though; Connors is too focused on his own ideas about limb growth and while I respect Stromm, he's better suited for where he is.

"I want to come back since I put so much time into this. But I have to raise my son, Norman. I can't let him be raised by other people as I spend all my time in a lab. I'm his only family," I explain with a stern expression.

"He doesn't have to be raised with strangers Mary; I can have Emily watch over him with Harry. You and the boy apparently barely have any social lives. Do you really want to keep your son trapped in a house with you till he has to go to school," says Norman, his face slightly sympathetic. Can't tell if he's really being sympathetic, knowing him. But he does raise a valid point in a way no matter how much it irks me.

I don't want Peter to be stuck in a house with me, even if we do occasionally go out to play. It isn't healthy for someone not to be around other people in some social way. He does have me, but if I do take up Norman's offer, he can spend time with the boy Harry as a way to grow socially.

Yet I don't want to leave Emily to basically raise my son for me. That part really angers the mother in me. I feel conflicted on this, maybe I should ask Peter what he thinks. He may be four years old, but he has a higher thinking process than any four-year-old I've heard of. If I explain it clearly to him, he might understand.

"I need to think about this. I also need my son's opinion on what he thinks of me not being around as much if I do take my job back," I clarify to Norman. Neither denying nor accepting is really the best way to deal with this for now. Last thing I need is to sour Norman's mood and have him be all crabby about it.

"I hope you make the right decision and as for your son. Are you sure he would be able to understand what you're telling him? He is only four after all," Asks Norman with a quiring face.

"You'd be surprised at how smart my boy is for his age Norman, I'll have to let him show you some time," I describe with a little pride in my voice. Not often I get to brag about it.

"Mm I see," Acknowledges Norman with a curious expression.

Author's note: Alrighty welcome to the new story everybody. As you can tell things are majorly different with the MC personality and his start in life. No Ben and May for him in this life. That isn't to say they don't exist though. But who says Norman can't be an uncle figure, who teaches him his own lessons in life (lol).

For those wondering why he isn't named Parker and who is father is whether it's still Richard or someone else, you'll just have to wait a good minute for that to be revealed. I said I wanted a unique Spider-Man story and that is what's going to happen. We're balls to the wall now ladies and gentlemen.

Also, when writing Mary's character, I kind of think of the positive person, who can be really friendly with most people. Yet is a no-nonsense type of person at the same time when she has to be. She also is very protective and prioritizes Peter above basically everything. So, Mama bear Mary to the rescue later in the story as a little teaser. I also went the scientist route with her instead of the agent route since it gives me more to work with and a connection to Oscorp down the line even more.

For those wondering why I posted a Spider-Man chapter on Red-Hood it's because I couldn't help myself with writing something new. Red-Hood will be coming out tomorrow with a long chapter, most of it is done. Just needs some touch ups and a couple of re-reads before being out for the world.

Give me some feedback on how this chapter was for you peeps. And if there might be something you want added that could fit with the story.

Thank you and see you in the next chapter.