Chapter 5 - For Me

Location: Hospital

Time passed: Unknown currently

Mary's POV

I take a gasping breath as my eyes open up. They immediately shut upon opening though from the harsh light of my unknown surroundings. I listen as I wait for my eyes to adjust to the light. I hear the sounds of beeping next to me presumably from a machine If I had to guess.

Eyes finally having adjusted I look around and see white walls and a window to the left of me with the curtains closed. Day being the time if I had to guess based on the faint leakage of light from the curtains. I look down and see that I'm in a bed with sheets on top of me. I pull the sheets to the side and see I'm wearing a hospital gown for patients.

Not noticing till now that my left arm was in a sling with a cast on it. I'm definitely in a hospital, but why. I feel confused on what happened and nervous on what the answer will be. I reach up to my face and feel tubes going up into my nose. I leave those tubes for now even though they feel very uncomfortable. I feel around my face with my good hand and hiss through my teeth when touching upon a covered cut on my cheek.

My attention goes to the door where a woman in a nurse attire comes in and looks at me with a little bit of surprise.

"Oh, you're awake, let me get the doctor. I'll be back in a moment," The nurse tells before exiting the room in a fast pace. The sounds of her steps echoing away, before two pairs of steps are heard coming closer to the door before a man in a white coat and blue hospital attire enters.

"It's good to see you awake Ms. Fitzpatrick," The doctor says coming to my side with a clipboard.

"Uh thanks, but what happened. Why am I waking up in a hospital?" I ask with mild trepidation. My mind still a little fuzzy from waking up and a sense of unease in the back of my mind growing.

"I'll get to that in just a moment but let me perform a couple of tests to see if everything is ok, with you being awake now" He explains. Going over some test like eyes movements, gag reflexes, and movement in my body.

"Ok, I'm sure your down now. Can you tell me what's going on," I ask once again with annoyance leaking into my voice. The doctor writes a couple of things down on his clipboard before making eye contact with me.

"Ok Ms. Fitzpatrick, this might be a little hard to hear, but you've been a small coma for over two weeks after getting into a car accident," he tells me after a moment of staring. Looking back at his clipboard and writing down more unknown things to me.

I was in a car accident? I've been in a coma for two weeks now. Wait... What happened to Peter!

"Hold on, in the car was my son. Is he ok!" I exclaimed finally remembering who was in the car with me. The cause of the growing unease I've been having was about Peter. Oh god, my son. Please let Peter be ok, Please!

"I'm going to need you to be calm ma'am before I tell you anything," The doctor says to me after my outburst.

CALM, how the hell can I be calm without knowing what happened! What if...what if Peter.... No, I can't think like that. I try to control my now rapid breathing with a few deep breaths. Only optimistic thoughts, Peter is fine I'm sure of it.

"Ok, I'm calm. Now can you please tell me," I say with a little bit of desperation in my voice. The Doctor who I can now read on his tag is Strange, Doctor Strange.

He looks at me for a moment observing my forced calm face before finally putting down the clipboard on a table surface to the side. Focusing back onto me.

"I explain from the beginning. When you and your son got into the accident it impacted the car from your son's side. You sustained the more mild injuries compared to your son. When the ambulances got to the scene you and you son both had to be rushed to the hospital," He starts and takes a moment to breath and collect his thoughts.

"Your son was placed into intensive surgery as he was quite heavily injured. I was the one who operated on your son, Peter. The surgery was a success and we were able to get him into stable conditions. Unfortunately he sustained a worse head trauma injury than you," He continues again. My heart feels like it's being gripped tightly in my chest.

I can feel the bars on the sides of the bed with my hands in a tight grip. Gripping hard enough for my hands to appear white without blood flow.

"You've both been in a coma for two weeks, but you're the first to wake. We ran the normal test on your son to try to see his condition in the coma, but in most of the test he has been unresponsive compared to you. This doesn't mean he won't wake up, but it is harder to determine his recovery in time. I'll give you some time to process this and return later to run some more test," He finishes in a serious tone. Walking out of the room and in clinical manner and leaving the nurse to put the blanket back onto my legs and waist.

She leaves a glass of water next to me and tries to ask me some questions, but I remain unresponsive. Seeing that I'm still processing she gives a small farewell comment and says she'll return in a moment.

My son was hurt more than I was. My baby boy is in a coma. I'm stuck here in this bed while he's probably connected to tubes to help him breathe.

It should be him waking up right now instead of me. Why did he have to be the one to receive the worst of the impact. It's not fair!

I can feel the tears slowly rolling down my face as I lay back and stare up into the ceiling. None of this should have happened.

It's all my fault. If I hadn't asked him to come with me, he wouldn't be in a coma. Why did I have to ask him. Why...Why....Why?

Why him? What did he do to deserve this? All I received was some mild head trauma and a fractured arm. And my son.

He had to go through intensive surgery to even survive the crash and now he may not even wake up.

No I can't think like that. Peter will wake up, I'm sure of it. He will, I know it. I just can't give up.

My precious little boy will make it through and wake up.

One month time skip

Norman's POV

I walk through the clinical halls of the hospital, clear displeasure across my face. Looking over to my right I can see Emily leading Harry by the hand as we walked to the room instructed by us. We're going to visit Peter. The son of my employee and friend Mary.

Emily has visited him with Harry once already, I couldn't go the first time due to complications in the company. Such complications involving the lack of progress in the Oz serum. Ever since Mary and Peter were in the accident she hasn't returned to work to perform more test with the Oz.

I don't blame her since she had to have a week of physical therapy after not moving for over two weeks while in her coma. But after the week of therapy she has been by her son's side the entire time. Waiting for any signs at all for recovery, but there hasn't been any.

The doctors here performing routine tests and checkup every week to see if any changes have occurred, but it's been the same.

It's frustrating to see no progress, but even more to know this all happened because of a drunk driver.

Damn fool walked away without a single scratch on him and instead harmed my friend and the boy I've come to consider as a nephew. His constant time spent at the house with Emily and Harry has given me plenty of times to interact with him.

The boy is smart for one, much smarter than he lets on. The first time I looked into his eyes I saw a clear sign of intelligence far beyond his age. I was always good at evaluating people just based on looking at them. For a four year old he was already approaching or already well spoken. His mother acting as a personal tutor for him.

Mary herself is a genius in her own right. I came up with the plans for the Oz, but upon setting her on the project it has gone years ahead of development than predicted. Turning the project into her own. I didn't see a problem with this and let her do whatever she wants to finish it.

But back to Peter I've had talks with the boy and he doesn't back away or shy away from disagreeing with me on some points. He has a back bone so young for his age and a compassion that I can see rivals mine in wanting to do something.

I wish Harry was more like Peter, but Emily babies the boy too much. Turning him into a follower instead of a leader. Thankfully Peter has sparked something in my son that wasn't there before. If given time with the two together I'm sure it would make Harry into a son I could be proud of.

Those hopes of mine are now falling because of that drunk fool. I'll make sure he's taken care of soon enough. Nobody touches my friends and family without consequences.

I focus again as we walk through the blue door and into the room of Peter.

Looking into the room makes me feel an anger in seeing the boy connected to tubes to keep him breathing regularly with some wires connected to his arms for other maintenance uses on his body. Emily walks ahead of me to the side of the bed where Mary is seated with her head resting on the side of the bed and her hand holding onto Peter's

"Mary, Mary wake up," Emily tells her gently shaking her to wake her up. Mary starts rousing from her slumber to look up.

I look upon Mary and feel pity for her. Her eyes are bloodshot and have bags under them. Her hair tangled and messy with no care to it. She looks a little bit skinnier in her arms and face since the last time I saw.

It seems the boys condition has been rough on her mentally and physically.

"Emily n' Norman, you guys came to visit Peter, how nice of you. You even brought Harry," Mary says rising but still holding onto Peter's hand. Emily goes forward to give Mary a hug. Harry goes to Peter's side opposite of Mary.

Staring at Peter with sad eyes and a frown on his face. I know that Harry cares deeply for Peter, seeing him like a brother even. It must be hard to see him a second time with no change.

Mary and Emily talk to each other in whispered voices as I stand beside my son looking down at Peter.

Harry looks up to me after a moment.

"Dad when is Pete going to wake up," Harry questions me with moistened eyes.

"I'm not sure Harry, but all we can do is hope for the best and wait," I tell him honestly, putting a hand down on his shoulder. Harry's shoulder slumping down and his face downcast as he looks at his closest friend.

My own face for once showing a soft side to it. The cold mask I hold finally being put down for a boy I have great hopes for.

The boy has to wake up. Someone with the fire in his eyes and intelligence shouldn't be shot down like this so soon.

I know the world isn't fair through the lessons my own father taught me. But to do this to such an promising young man leaves a bad mood in the back of my mind.

I look over to Mary and see her staring at her son's face with a forlong look. Releasing a sigh, I myself look at his resting form once more.

2 Month Time Skip

Change to Mary's POV

"Happy Birthday Peter!" I tell him.

He lays unresponsive to the happy gesture.

"You have a bunch of gifts this year, isn't that awesome," I inform my resting son.

His eyes remain closed indefinitely.

"The Osborn's came by earlier to wish you happy birthday and drop off their gifts," I continue after a pause.

His chest rises rhythmically as he breathes through the machine.

"Each of them brought a gift for you and left you a birthday card. Would you like me to read it to you?" I ask him.

The beeping of the machines being the only response.

"It says 'Happy birthday Peter, We hope you get better soon. Can't wait to have you back at our home once again'. So nice of them, you're gonna have to make sure to thank them for that ok," I tell my little munchkin.

Peter incapable of reacting just slumbers peacefully.

"Well anyways I've saved the best part for last, my gift," I notify Peter with a smile.

The sounds of ripped wrapping echoing in the otherwise still and mostly silent room.

"It's an art set Peter, I know how much you love to draw and thought maybe you would like to draw on something else other than a notebook. There's plenty of different brushes, a whole bunch of colors to choose to use, lots of canvases to draw on, and even a easel (writing stand basically) at home for you," I announce to him without taking a breath.

His hair slightly flows with movement from the flowing air in the room.

"Oh there's even your cake at home for you. Don't worry I got your favorite too, triple chocolate layered cake just for you," I inform him.

A forced smile on my face for my sleeping child.

"So what do you think sweetie, am I not the most awesome mom ever?" I question out into the air already knowing the answer.

Tears forming on my eyes and slowly falling down my cheeks. My smile faltering as I continue watching him.

"It's so quiet at the house without you, you know. I only go there to change clothes and shower before coming back straight to you. The house doesn't feel like home if you aren't there with me Peter. You're all I have" I say to the only family and blood I have left.

Peter giving the only answer he can, nothing.

"So Please.....Please wake up Peter, For Me"

Author's Note: Well this chapter was sad for me to write. Got those sad OST's going on while I was writing this. Felt the tears coming on a couple of time but held them back like a champ. This was definitely one of my favorite chapters to write even if it was sad to write it the whole time towards the end.

Leave a comment on how the chapter was.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter.