What An Unlucky Day!

The elevator opened its doors, and two waiters were at the entrance holding a platter full of champagne flutes. Arya grabbed one flute and thanked the waiters as she entered the balcony. As soon as she entered the balcony, her friend spotted her, Violet Fraulein.

Violet was the daughter of one of the greatest German mogul in France. She was half French from her mother's side and half German from her father's side. Arya had met Violet when her family moved to Singapore for a few years. Violet went to the same international school as her. The two clicked instantly as they had the same hobbies, that were talking and speaking about boys.

Violet's platinum hair with purple strands tickled Arya's neck as she came running to hug her.

"Oh my gosh! Arya! I missed you so much!" Violet gave small jumps as she said those words.

"Vi… Vi… can't breathe!" Arya patted Violet's back so her friend would release her.

"Sorry, Ari! I just got excited!"

That was Violet for Arya. She was her partner in crime and the best confidante.

"By the way, were there reporters downstairs when you arrived? You are on the tabloids today! The gossip columns are saying that you were the one who broke off the engagement of Mr. Fu and Ms. Zhou, is that true?"

"Vi, you know my rules. 1. No flirting with men younger than me, not even by a few months. 2. No flirting with my friends' brothers or cousins, it will lead to a messy relationship. 3. And the most important one, no flirting with married or engaged men. There is no need to be called a whore or a man stealer. I'm way too pretty for such a cheap act."

"Hahaha! True!" Violet then dragged Arya to the table where they were assigned to seat, "By the way, Ari, do you know what this is this charity for?"

Arya shrugged, "Who knows, but it makes me look good, and you know I never say no to any party." She was already taking selfies to post on her social media.

Violet then tugged Arya's arm, "Hey, isn't that person over there, Alexander Hayes? I thought he never attended social events."

Arya then put down her phone and turned around. There he was in a corner. Alexander Hayes, the man she hated the most. The reason she and her sister were no longer on speaking terms. Alexander had been the new British transfer student in high school. He had been what every girl wanted. Smart, athletic, and good-looking. Every day a girl or two confessed their feelings for him, in the hope for him to notice her. What they never thought was that Alexander Hayes would be in love with Kanon Ling, Arya's sister.

They were a match made in heaven. Kanon was the top in her class. She was the perfect combination of beauty and brains, while Arya was just beauty. Everything was going fine until, Kanon's last year of high school, Kanon refused to come out of her bedroom, and was later sent to boarding school. Arya had demanded an explanation from Alexander, but just as Kanon, he had suddenly gone back to London.

Arya had tried to reach him by social media, but Alexander and Kanon had both closed all their accounts. When she tried calling any of them by phone, they would not answer. Arya had asked her parents what had happened, but her father just got angry at her, and her mother just told her to not mind things that were not her business. Soon, all of Kanon's pictures were taken down from the house. Her room was remodeled and became another empty study that no one used. Soon, the Ling family only had one child, Arya.

After graduation, Arya tried to contact her sister again, but when her father knew about it, he became enraged and threatened her of leaving her without a cent. Arya stopped chasing her sister's shadow and just lived the next few years as if she had never existed at all.

Arya could not believe that after so many years, she was meeting Alexander Hayes again. It seemed as if fate had planned to make today her shittiest day ever.

"Yes, that's him, Vi. Do you mind if I speak to him for a while?"

"Um… no. I didn't know you knew him, Ari."

"He transferred to our school in high school, you were already in France at that time," Arya said as she rose from her chair and went walking to where Alexander was.

He was alone in the corner with a champagne flute in his hands. His dark brown hair was tousled perfectly, and his green eyes sharper than ever. There was a secret that Arya had kept from everyone, even her sister. She had also been infatuated with Alexander once. In reality, Arya was the one who introduced Alexander to her sister.

"Long time no see, Xander."

"Arya?" He looked surprised as if he had seen a ghost.

"The one and only. It has already been… what? Seven years since we last met?"


"Yeah, whatever, my point is… Xander, why did you just go back to London suddenly five years ago. Why was Kanon sent to boarding school? What did you do to my sister?"

Alexander's green eyes pierced through her, if it had been another occasion and another man, Arya would have definitely flirted with him, for goodness' sake, she would have even had a one-night stand with such a magnificent creature, but this man here was Alexander Hayes, and Arya would and will not touch such a monster.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know what happened to Kanon. I returned to London because my parents wanted to be closer to the family."

"Don't play dumb with me, Hayes."

Suddenly, their positions changed, and Arya was in the wall, and Alexander cornered her. "Don't go poking your nose in what doesn't concern you, Arya. You cannot bear the consequences of it, and I mean it."

His breath smelled like mint mouthwash and cinnamon. "Why does everyone think that my sister's business is not mine!"

"You know nothing, not now, and not before. Just forget about the two of us and continue your happy life as the rich heiress you are."

Arya was not sure what to answer to that. "I promise you, Hayes, I will get to know the truth. Mark my words because I also mean it." She then pushed him and stormed out of the room as she handed her champagne flute to one of the waiters at the entrance.

"Why is this piece of shit taking so long to arrive!" Arya thought as she continued pressing the elevator down button non-stop. She was clear that the waiters were glaring at how desperate she was to get out of there, but at that moment she did not care. She was angry, furious, if she could, she would have punched Alexander Hayes in the face.

"Ari! Ari! Where are you going?" Violet came running out of the event.

"Nothing, Vi, I'm just feeling unwell." Just then the elevator arrived, "Talk to you later, Vi."

Arya then continued pressing the close button until she was all alone in the elevator. As she arrived at the lobby, she opened her clutch to take out a thousand HKD bill, and handed it to the valet parking with her car ticket.

As Arya waited for the valet parking to arrive back with her car, she felt a cold wind pass through the place. As she held her head up to the sky, she noticed the sky getting grey and dark as if it was about to rain.

"Seriously! Why am I so unlucky today?!" Arya muttered.

The valet parking then arrived and opened the car door so Arya could enter. "Thank you." The valet parking just bowed and closed back the door.

Raindrops fell, and it quickly became a storm when Arya drove through the streets of Hong Kong wanting to quickly return to her apartment. She was in an intersection when she stopped her car since the light was red. She continued cursing how unlucky her day was, the alcohol from the champagne and her anger were already doing her a number plus the fact that she had not eaten a thing. She was feeling tipsy. Just as the light turned green, Arya stepped on the accelerator.

The last thing Arya saw was the blinding lights of a truck coming to her left side, as she heard the non-stop honking of the driver. She tried to move, but darkness fell through her vision.