I'm 15 Again?

"Ugh! What a weird dream that was." Arya's alarm had been ringing non-stop for some time now. She hit snooze every single time, promising only five more minutes.

"Arya! Wake up! You are going to be late for school!"

"Wait… That voice… It's Mother's," Arya said in her mind. She woke up instantly. She saw her hands, her mirror that was in front of her bed reflected a much younger version of her. Her dream was not a dream! She actually went back to the past!

"Oh my… I was really dead!" Arya grabbed her digital clock to see exactly how much time she had before her twenty-first birthday. The clock displayed, "March 17th, 2014. She had died on July 14th, 2021. She was back as her fifteen years old self. She had six years before her twenty-first birthday on May 5th, 2020.

"Well, Mr. Grim Reaper had said that all my charity work was in vain because I did it for my glory. So, if I'd open a foundation anonymously, that should work, shouldn't it?" Arya's face lit as she thought that her idea was the best idea that had gotten her in years.

Arya then heard someone knock on her door, "Ari! Get ready quick! Mother is angry!"

Arya rushed down her bed, still wearing her pajamas. She could not believe the voice that she was hearing, she needed to confirm it with her eyes. As she opened the door, Kanon was standing there, already in her uniform. Kanon looked like a more mature version of Arya.

Arya instantly went and hugged her sister. She did not think that she could do that ever again.

"Ari, what's up with you today? You are still in your pajamas! Do you want the principal calling our mother again?" Kanon quickly ushered Arya inside her room and went to her closet to grab her uniform.

"Quickly, take a shower and get ready! I'll give you five minutes, if you are not ready, I'm going to drag your half-wet ass to school."

Arya could not help but laugh. Kanon was the best big sister she could ask for. Well, before the incident that sent her to boarding school.

"Yes, Madam!" Arya saluted her as she went running to the bathroom to get ready. As she showered, she made some calculations, she was in her third year in middle school and Kanon was in her first year in high school. Kanon was sent to boarding school in her third year. This means that Arya had two more years to prevent that incident.

"This time, sis, I won't let you meet him," Arya swore as she dried herself. Kanon had already left on top of the towels Arya's uniform. Arya got dressed and brushed her hair so that it would look decent.

Downstairs, her father was reading the news on his iPhone, while her mother was eating breakfast that was prepared by their maid, Lissa.

"Good morning, Father, Mother."

"Arya, how many times have I told you to wake up early? You are always late for school. I don't want to be called again by the principal because of your tardiness. Do you understand?" All that time, Arya's mother had not even looked at her.

"Yes, Mother."

Arya's father then stood up, and kissed goodbye to his wife, as he grabbed his briefcase and was ready to go to work. The Ling Family had gathered their fortune by exporting and importing products. Arya remembers that in a few years, her father would expand his business to also construction.

"Goodbye girls, have a fun day at school. Arya, don't cause so much trouble. Kanon, take care of your sister."

"Yes, Father," the girls replied monotonously as he said the same phrase every single day.

"Come on Arya, we are going to be late for school." Kannon ushered Arya to the main door where the driver was already waiting in the limo.

"But… sis… I haven't had breakfast!" Arya's stomach also protested.

Lissa then came from the kitchen and handed Arya a tuna sandwich. "Here, second miss, your favorite!"

"Thanks, Lissa, you are the best!" Arya then kissed Lissa on the cheek. This made Arya's mother cough.

"Bye, Mother!" Arya shouted as Kanon pushed her outside. Kanon knew Arya could say goodbye for half an hour if you let her be.

As both girls with their hands joined, walked through the front entrance giggling, the driver came out of the limo and opened the doors for them.

"Thanks, Evan," both girls said in unison as they entered the car.

Evan Tam has been the family driver since Arya and Kanon had been kids. The same went for Lissa. The both of them had spent their whole lives serving the Ling Family. Kanon and Arya liked to call them, their pseudo-parents since their own parents rarely paid attention to any of them.

"So, why are we so late this morning?" Evan asked.

"Sorry! It was my fault, I overslept!" Arya put both of her hands together as she begged for pardon.

"It's okay once or twice, second miss. Don't make it a habit. We don't need Madame ranting about it to the entire house." He winked through the front-rear mirror.

"I was about to tell her the same thing! Thanks, Evan!" Kanon sighed.

This made Arya laugh. At that moment, she was so happy to be able to pass some time with her sister that she was almost willing to abandon her mission. But she knew that if she succeeded, and she could change Kanon's destiny, then she would have more than two years to pass with her sister.

Sacred Heart International Academy was a school that had from kindergarten to high school. It was a one-way school. It harbored the most influential families around the globe. It also had other campuses around the globe, so that student education would not be disrupted.

"Have a good day, misses," Evan said as he went down to open the door.

"You too, Evan!"

As they walked to the student hall where every Monday the assemble was held, Arya and Kanon saw that there was a crowd of girls in the front entrance.

"What's happening?"

Kanon shrugged. "Let's go and see."

As Arya got a close view of what the girls were giggling about, she caught sight of a pair of grey eyes she would never forget.

"Oh, no fucking way!" Arya thought.