Death and Adoption.

At one point Alexander was one of the wealthiest men in America and the world. His name was associated with wealth and he had a supermodel of a wife that brought envy to all. However, his wife was just something he bought as he thought she was hot.

She herself was a cold-hearted gold digger who had zero love for Alexander. However, his true passion was always animals. Before he was rich he was an orphan who grew up on the streets, his only source of warmth and company was an old German Sheperd named Daisy.

Because of her he survived and worked himself to the bone to become the man he is today. When he turned 38 he bought a 6 wolf pup which he raised and trained. Alexander had never felt more happy than when he was with his pets, but his wife was far from pleased.

She tried to stand in his way as she hated animals. She gave him the choice of her or the wolves so he simply kicked her to the curb. He divorced her without a care in the world as he threatened the judge's family who sided with him.

Alexander was not just rich, but he had countless connections in the underworld after all. For 8 years he lived happily until one day when he got home. He was sitting in the back of an armored SUV surrounded by several armed guards.

He was in a convoy of several such SUVs full of his Private security. Alexander was in the center one and he was sitting in the back of one. He was 50 years old, but he was a giant man standing at 6'10 and extremely rugged. His hair was pitch-black while his eyes were sharp like daggers. A large beard reached his chest while he read reports from his phone.

At either side of him were two armed guards in full riot gear with automatic rifles. Neither said a thing while his driver moved the rearview mirror to look at him.

"Sir, your previous 'appointment' went well I presume."

Alexander nodded.

"Oh yes, they 'took care' of my issue without fail."

The driver smiled.

"Most excellent sir. The faster this issue was dealt with, the better for your health."

His personal driver was a retired veteran named Dariel who was once a Green Beret. The man was 65, but he was the one responsible for training Alexander's personal task force. Just yesterday, Alexander had put out a hit for the head of his business rival.

Things had gone well as the man was dead as dead could be.

'With this, the Kaur family will have to submit. I will buy their company and add it to my own.'

A big smile appeared on Alexander's face as things were going well. He had a few more rivals to deal with, but when they were dead he would be the single most influential man on this side of the globe.

Finally, his armed convoy arrived at his estate so his two guards released the safety from their guns. They stayed at his side while the rest of the guards went outside. One could never be too careful when one had as many enemies as Alexander.

Dariel reached into the glove compartment and pulled out his pistol.

"Sir, something feels off."

Alexander squinted his eyes as he felt it as well.

"I know you two stay at my side."

He reached down under his seat and pulled out an M249 machine gun. He always wore a bulletproof vest under his suit and his suit had woven in kevlar. He put on a helmet as he was always prepared for a shootout. It was why he was alive and his competitors were lying 6 feet deep.


His two armed guards left the SUV while he followed after them. Safeties were off as things were totally odd. Alexander had more armed guards at home and he was always paranoid. However there was not one person in sight, but on the ground were bullet craters and pools of blood.

Plus, the bodies of his task force were littering his estate.

Alexander cursed at the sight.


Alexander clicked a button on his watch as he rushed toward the wolf pens. He had to make sure they were alright, as they were the only thing he truly cared about. His guards followed him closely to make sure he was safe.

When they reached the pens Alexader for the first time froze. His beloved pets were all dead in pools of their own blood. He grit his teeth as his icy blue eyes turned bloodshot.


"That is all you care about Alexander."

All his guard aimed their rifles at the source of the voice. Alexander grit his teeth as he turned around to see who it was. It was his ex-wife, but she had changed since the last time. Her eyes seemed hollow and vacant as if she had gone through total horror.

"Samatha, so you did this."

She nodded.

"That is obvious, your rivals felt it was too dangerous to leave you alive. Seeing how you will kill them all in time they teamed up to kill you. When I found out, I followed them to make sure you suffered. This was my payback to you."

Alexander looked down before aiming his gun at Samantha.


Alexander raised his gun and unloaded the entire clip into her body. When she dropped dead, he replaced the clip and walked toward the pens, and got in front of one of his favorite ones. The wolf was totally black and the biggest of the pack. The wolf's name was Ragnarock.

He ran his hand through the wolf's body in sorrow. He saw it twitch making him pick up the wolf who was whimpering in pain. Alexander sat down as he held him close in his final moments.

Just a few seconds later Ragnarock breathed his last. Alexander gently set the wolf down as he got up and started to walk toward the SUVs.

"Let's go."

Out of nowhere, a sniper round hit Alexander in the chest penetrating through his suit and vest. Alexander was thrown back making his guards rush to his side. Dariel cursed as he placed his hands over the wound.


Alexander squinted his eyes as he looked at the sky. The bullet went through his heart and he was barely holding on. He coughed blood as he reached up and held Dariel's hand.

"Get. Out. Of. Here. My. Watch."

Dariel knew that the watch served as a heart monitor. In the case that Alexander died, the estate will detonate, and everything in the surroundings. Dariel reached for the watch and removed the Memory chip.

Dariel got up and motioned for the guards to follow him as they rushed to the SUVs. As for Alexander, he gazed at the full moon in the sky with a smile.

'So beautiful.'

He held on to give Dariel as much time as this place was about to go sky-high. The moment he breathed his last the watch detected his lack of a heartbeat. The explosives that were rigged were set off one after another causing the entire estate and everything in the surroundings to be destroyed.

His will and all his documents were in the memory chip so Dariel could always take over Canis Tech. Alexander's company and no one was more worthy of that than Dariel who had been with him since the start.

Alexander had always been an atheist as he had never seen a single miracle. What he did not know was that he had just been given a miracle. When he woke up he looked around and saw he was in a grassland with a huge moon over his head.

He sat up and placed his hand on his chest.

"I'm alive?"

He looked around and had no idea how his body was in one piece. Just as he was about to stand up he was nudged on the back by something so he looked behind him and saw his pet, Ragnarock.

Seeing that his pet was not only alive but here was a shock.


Alexander reached out and gave his beloved pet a big hug. The wolf placed his head on his shoulder as he was happy to see his master again.

"As long as you are here everything will be fine."

A small chuckle was heard which made Alexander look back and he saw a stunning woman. She had 9 wolf-like tails, wolf ears, and her clothes looked to be made of fur. Behind her were many wolves who were giants and looked at her with respect and love. She approached both Ragnarok and Alexander and kneeled in front of them with a smile.

"How are you today Alexander?"

"I would say far from well as I got my heart blown out, my pets killed and everything I ever cared about was destroyed."

She smiled at his joke.

"I saw, but you are lucky I was watching at the time. If not you would have been sent to the circle of reincarnation like everyone else. Introductions, I am the Goddess of Wolves Calinda. I saw your love for your Ragnarock as you stayed with him until his end. That deserved a reward I say."

Alexander looked down.

"I am thankful even one of them is fine. What now? I am dead and as I am now I cannot pay you back. My question is what is this place?"

She stood up and explained.

"This is just my personal realm. Now make your choice, you can stay here or I can simply send you to a new world. Of course, as I am the goddess of Wolves I will give you the strongest bloodline of all wolves. My own."

Alexander smiled a bit.

"Dariel always told me I looked like a wolf with this beard of mine. Fine, I accept. However, why would you do this? I am nobody now that my wealth is gone. No, I was nobody even if I had it as it is impossible a god will care about the mortal paper."

She sighed as that was the paranoia and intellect that made Alexander so hated in his past life.

"Can you not just take something at face value? I am really doing this just because of the care you showed Ragnarock. I don't want anything extra from you. I just want to reward someone for something I liked. Nothing more."

Alexander sighed.

"Once a businessman always a businessman. If I did not question everything how would I ever make it far?"

Calinda sighed again

"Just enjoy your life and look after your friend. Just remember to go as far as you can Alexander live your best life. Ragnarock, live up to your name if you can. I am sure you will."

She snapped her fingers and Ragnarok turned to smoke and entered Alexander's heart. After a portal opened up and Alexander was sucked in. His mind shut down and the next thing he knew he was sitting in a chair.

The moment he could think he started to glance around. He cared for his own safety and things were not as they seemed. He saw three people around him, all adults. They looked Japanese and they were talking about adoption which made Alexander think carefully.

The woman in front looked to be heavily pregnant which seemed a bit odd to adopt a kid while pregnant. As a former orphan who raised himself to where he is everything was dangerous to him.

'So, I am alive again. Now, with no money and no status.'

He looked next to him where a Japanese woman talking to the young couple. Alexander glanced down at his lap where puppy Ragnarock was sitting while sleeping and at least his pet came along with him. That was the most important to him.

'You being with me makes this all worth it.'

He glanced down at his hands which were paler than his old ones. He ran his tongue through his teeth and found a rather strange feature. He had the canines of a wolf and even his molars were sharper than a human and he knew wolves better than most.

Those were the teeth of a wolf, but his own teeth seemed a mix of human and wolf.

'Weird. If I bite myself won't I lose my tongue? What are these people saying now?'

He focused on the woman next to him as she spoke

"Mrs. Hyoudo, Mrs. Hyoudo, are you sure that you want Alexander? He is not a bad kid, it is just that he is very unique. First of all, he does not sleep much at all. He is pale and his eyes are ice blue like those of a husky if I am being honest

He is also extremely quiet and rarely talks to anyone. Not even the other children."

Gorou looked at Alexander who was petting the puppy in his hands.

"If we judged the kid because of how he looks would that not mean we would be terrible parents? Can I just ask what the puppy in his hands is? It does not look like a dog totally? Bigger too?"

The woman sighed.

"It is a wolf pup. Alexander once went into the woods and came out with him in hand. We want to take the pup into a sanctuary, but he refuses. We think he will run away if we force the issue."

For the first time, Alexander spoke up in Japanese.

"You don't have to think. It is just a matter of fact."

She sighed as while Alexander was just 12, he was far more mature than his age suggested. That was before they were dealing with Alexander Canis someone who clawed their way up from the dirt.

"Alexander, you need to stop thinking like that. You do not need to survive any longer. We just want to help you."

Gorou and Miki did not know what she meant by that. Gorou looked at the woman who was in charge of Alexander for questions.


She sighed as she patted Alexander's pitch-black hair. The only thing weird about it is that he had dark purple streaks all over it.

"He was found when he was 8 years old. Four years ago, but he had already been growing up on the streets. He lived on the streets for who knows how long so he does not trust people. He thinks he still needs to rely on himself exclusively. I sometimes feel it is a pity he had to grow up like that."

Alexander felt his life was the same as his old one.

'This feels like my first life. Only I never got adopted as I chose to raise myself. What to do?'

While he did that he ran his hands down Ragnarock's fur. The woman next to him sighed.

"He needs to go to a sanctuary Alexander."

Alexander shook his head as he hugged Ragnarock who snuggled up to him.

"I am not giving him up. He comes with me or not at all."

Just as she was going to tell him he was making a mistake as no one wanted to adopt him for his mutations. She did not want to say it, but so far very few families wanted someone like Alexander. He was just not 'normal' and some felt he was part wp

Miki smiled and spoke up.

"It's fine, what is a puppy."

The woman shook her head.

"Miss, it is not a dog. It is a wolf and he bit the last person who tried to take it from him."

Alexander knew that with the kind of teeth, he had the damage must have been heavy. Gorou looked at Ragnarock and sighed.

"You know what, we will still like to adopt him. He seems like a good kid, and his pet is still small. If we can have a professional trainer for him, we will see how this goes. Alexander, I want to know what you think of this."

He looked at both Miki and Gorou and sighed.

"As long as my friend can come with me. He is all I have."

The woman sighed before she agreed.

"If they agree so be it, but please consider what is best for his sake. You can't tame a wolf."

He scoffed as no one was better at taming and training wolves. Plus, Ragnarock is not a normal wolf anyway.

"Where do your dogs come from? Of course, you can tame wolves, otherwise, dogs would not exist right now.

She still did not know how this was a 12-year-old kid with the way he spoke. In the end, he was accepted to be adopted. When he got out of his chair he bowed to both of them as he knew that much from his business deals.

Now that he stood up he realized he was already 5'6

'My growth is just as fast as before. I was a tall man in so I am glad that is carrying over.'

Miki patted Alexander on the head as she smiled.

"Your hair is really soft. Like fur."

Alexander chuckled upon hearing that.

"I take after the best."

He raised Ragnarok a little to show him off. Miki played along with his comparison.

"I see that you do."

She felt he would be a good big brother to her baby, but she also wanted to give him a home. They felt they needed to give him a home as one of their friends who volunteered at the orphanage talked about Alexander like he was a good boy that was lonely. His only friend was the wolf cub and he only had it for two weeks.

"Thank you, but why me? I am not normal, I am not cheerful, and most certainly not childlike. I am almost a teen after all."

Gorou just kindly smiled.

"Looks are not why we want to be parents. I know you can't see us as your parents, but we hope we can make you happy at least."

'He is a good man.'

He got distracted and got in the back seat of their car. it could not compare to his sports cars, he was not the same man as before. Now he was just a random orphan who lost his wealth. That stung but losing the rest of his pets hurt more. Ragnarok looked up at him with a wagging tail.

He felt a connection between him and Ragnarock that was powerful and direct.

'Glad to have you with me buddy. At least I am not alone in this god-forsaken world.'

Before he could make any plans he saw face time appear in front of him. It looked like a face time with the goddess as she tapped on it a few times.

"Hello. Hello. Alexander, can you hear me?"

He nodded a little confused, but she did not give him a chance to speak

"Any way I can see you're confused but I wanted to explain what you got. As you can see I have 9 tails which is similar to the stories of 9-tailed foxes. If that does not impress you my dad was Fenrir so I am obviously crazy strong.

I can guarantee you that nothing compares to it when it grows to its full potential. Imagine a 9-tailed fox, but with the strength of Fenrir. Cool right?"

'Maybe. I was a businessman, not a fantasy fanatic.'

Calinda shook her head.

"Stop being such a downer. I saw how you act with your new parents. Give them a chance and don't just run away. You also need some love as you have never felt genuine love in your life. Your pets don't count. You also get a cool sword and a suit of armor. I also made Ragnarock your familiar"

That was interesting, but just as he was going to ask questions that option was taken from him.

"Have fun. Bye."

She left him hanging which made him sigh.

'Damn. She did that on purpose to play with my paranoia. She knew I was going to leave these people the first chance I got. What to do-"

Just as he was going to say something he felt his body heat up like fire was in his cells. He grit his teeth to not scream as his very DNA was changing. He felt power like never before, but it also came with increased senses.

He felt something threatening to sprout from his head and tailbone, but he focused on the feeling and stopped it.

'Oh shit, I was about to grow ears and a tail.'

He felt he could see far better and his sense of smell was off the charts. The worst was his hearing as even small sounds sounded like drums.

'FUCK! Is this what dogs and wolves go through daily? Gross. Everything smells disgusting.'

When he arrived at his new home he found it was a simple Japanese home, but it just made him sigh.

'It's smaller than the pens I had for my wolves. How the mighty have fallen. I need to get rich again. I can't live like a commoner anymore. Money is something I need.'

If Calinda heard him she could sigh once again. You can take the wealth from the businessman, but not the drive for profits.

He built up his wealth from the ground up and now he had to learn what year it was to do the same. A businessman is always a business and even now he was looking for a way to get rich again. He also needed to learn more about this world for his own sake.