Chapter 14

'What a shameless man!' She cursed in her heart.


Flower walked straight into the room by slamming the door behind her, causing a bang.

"Everyone is really so annoying today!" She snapped while slamming her body on the king-size bed.

"What's this?" She felt something stuck in her back.

Her hazel eyes instantly widened. "Whose phone is this?"

Instantly, her memory centred on Darren while silencing her own mouth with the palm of her hand.

"Don't tell me this phone is what Mr Gilbert is looking for. Oh, it turned out he really lost it. Btw, he has great taste." She muttered to herself while examining the phone. She then put a smirk on her face.

Without wanting to bother, she immediately threw the phone with the famous brand to the side of the bed.

"I'll come back tomorrow," she whispered.

Flower laid back down. For now, she really had to mingle in comfort. However, a second later, she sat back up again. "But where should I return it?"

'Ah, what a hassle!' She was upset.

Not wanting to be blamed, let alone added to the list of problems in her life, she then looked for important information about Darren.

"I'm pretty sure that a rich man like him would be easy to find."

Her plump lips seemed to carve a small smile when she got the Gilbert Company address.

"Yes, I will be there tomorrow after meeting with Osbert."

Not wanting to go to sleep right away, she seemed to spoil her eyes with the latest magazine from BM Magazine. She wiped her photo plastered on the front page.

"Perfect." She praised her own photo posing very gracefully and of course sexy.

No one knew how long she had been spoiling her eyes with the photos. She also spoiled her gaze with the latest information about BM Magazine, which currently houses her.

Without getting rid of the drowsiness that approached, she then fell asleep with the magazine still hanging in her right hand. Uh, it was unbelievable that a famous supermodel slept in a position that was far from sexy.

The morning light seemed to peek shyly through the window curtains to warmly greet Flower's beautiful face. The warm stroke had forced her hazel eyes to open entirely. Her one hand seemed to be swinging in the air, trying to block the sunlight that appeared to be blinding her eyes.

"What time is it now?"

The corner of her eye seemed to glance at the clock hanging on the wall. "Uh, it's only 6 in the morning."

Flower laid back down on the bed while looking up at the ceiling. Heavy breaths seemed to accompany the roar of her breath facing the worst day.

"Huh, I hope the madman doesn't act."



London, United Kingdom


Arriving at Magazine BM, Flower was greeted by Obsen's secretary who let her into the room where the most powerful man was already waiting for her arrival.

"Please come in, Ms Flow. Your arrival has been awaited by Mr Obsen." She opened the door for the supermodel.

Meanwhile, the man was already waiting for her with great enthusiasm in the room.

"Oh, Ms Flower...welcome, Sweetie." He stretched out both arms so that Flower immediately burst into a hug, just like the other models who would happily tossed their body between his brawny arms.

Obsen immediately squinted his eyes to find Flower did not welcome him warmly. The woman was still standing frozen in place while glaring at him with a deadly sharp glare.

"Playing hard to get. I know she's beautiful. Unfortunately, she's arrogant." Obsen growled in a low voice. It sounded like someone was mumbling, and of course, neither Flower nor Karyl had heard it very clearly. However, Flower was sure that the madman was cursing her.

"How long are you going to let us stand here, huh?" Flower asked in cynicism.

"Okay, please have a seat."

"Tell me, for what purpose did you summon me here?"

Obsen immediately leaned his face forward, forcing Flower to back away. "Watch yourself, Mr Obsen Brossom!"

His sturdy lips seemed to have a smirk. "Don't forget that I'm in charge here and not you, Miss Flower Carnabel. REMEMBER THAT CAREFULLY IN HERE!" Obsen jerked his index finger on Flower's head.

Being treated to a handsome face that seemed tightened with a hardened jaw had scared Karyl so that the woman brought her face closer to Flower rhythmically in a whisper.

"Keep your emotions, Flow. Don't add to your fault lists. Remember that he's a CEO. He plays an important role in this company, and in a snap of a finger, things change in seconds."

Flower stared at her with a sharp glance. "Shut up!" She hissed.

Faced with Flower's stubbornness, accompanying the heavy breaths, Karyl exhaled slowly. And it was not separated from Obsen's observation.

"There are certain matters I must discuss specifically with Ms Flower. Please leave the room!" He ordered Karyl to leave the room.

Karyl immediately felt a firm grip on her wrist. She glanced at Flower, who also threw a sharp glance at her. One thing that Karyl caught through her hazel eyes was the look of pleading that he would stay there by her side, accompanying her to face Obsen's madness.

"What are you waiting for, Ms Karyl? Leave the room immediately!" His order was high-pitched with a locked gaze at the exit.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm Flower's manager, so it would be very wrong if I left my model alone here."

Obsen growled. "How dare you disobey my orders?!"

Karyl calmly answered. "Of course not, sir. No one here dares to disobey your orders."

"Then please leave!" His index finger pointed at the exit met with eyes full of undeniable command.

Without being able to argue again, Karyl immediately rose from her seat. She glanced at Flowers briefly as she gently touched her slender shoulders before walking out of the room.

Now, Karyl has left Obsen and Flower.

Honestly, Flower was frightened until the fur bristled instantly. However, she tried to control the situation, not showing the fear that began to grip until she felt a firm squeeze on her heart and then threw her into the fire.

"I don't have much time. Please just get to the point!" Her hiss was combined with a deadly glare.

"Under my control, you have no right to give orders, Ms Flow!"

Her hazel eyes squirmed with disgust.

"I don't have much time for your bullshit, Mr Obsen." At the same time, she got up from her seat.

Obsen was immediately angry. "Don't go beyond your limits, Ms Flow. Sit down!" He ordered.


Next chapter ...