Small knife checked, food package checked, water canteen checked, first aid kit checked, notebook and pen checked, and lastly, compass checked.
Those are the items that Sunny neatly placed inside the backpack she found in the closet. She woke up early that morning in order to prepare for trekking through the forest. Her outfit consists of a white hoodie covered by a green jacket and a pair of blue jeans. The sneakers on her feet felt light, bouncy, and comfortable. She had to be in her best condition when searching for the unknown.
Of course, her goal was to find out where she was and also to find people who could help her to go home. But she can't be reckless in her travels. One kilometer per day would be the safest distance to walk by foot, then return straight home afterwards. She would also map the area so she could be familiar with the route.
To protect herself, Sunny decided to take the revolver she found inside the bedside cabinet in the bedroom. It was loaded with seven bullets, and she planned to use it to scare the wild animals away. Even if she didn't look like it, she knew how to use a gun because she had been shooting it on a shooting range as part of the training she had received on a medical mission.
Isn't she cool?
But still, she prayed that she wouldn't encounter a wolf or a bear. It would be nice to meet a handsome knight or a prince, though, like what usually happens in a shoujo manga. They could be her candidates for a husband-to-be. But with his kiddy size, nobody would take her seriously.
Before she got depressed, she stood on her feet and marched outside, with the gun inside the holster on her waist and a stick umbrella in her hand. Of course, since she's inside the forest, you can't tell the weather. If she's in a mountain forest, the altitude would cause a rain shower like she experienced while hiking Mt. Pulo way back in high school.
She could also use the umbrella as a weapon. What a convenient and double-purpose thing!
Accompanied by the blue sky and bright sun, she started to walk in the direction of the south, where the waterway falls down. She carefully walked on a trail when she reached the grove. Using the umbrella to aid her trek, she managed to get over a few slopes.
Sunny stopped from time to time to tie a ribbon lace on a tree, marking it that she had walked a fifty-meter distance.
It's a good thing she hasn't encountered any trouble yet. The animals she encountered on the way were only birds, squirrels, rabbits, and dears. She could probably hunt them some other time for their meat. But if there were prey in the forest, there would surely be predators that were just waiting around.
When something was moving in the bushes, Sunny would hide behind the shrubs and wait for the creature to come out. The color of her outfit camouflaged her body among the greeneries. Smartass, isn't she?
Soon enough, she had travelled a half-kilometer when she started to breathe irregularly. It seems like her stamina has become kiddie-size too.
Taking a break, she automatically looked at her wrist to check the time. But the watch she usually had wasn't there. Oh, she forgot. She couldn't find anything in the log house. Something like a watch, clock, or anything to check the time was missing.
She looked up at the sun and guessed the time based on its position. It's not that high yet, so maybe around eight or nine in the morning. But taking the worst possible case scenario, is that strange place the same world she came from? Do they even have the same time? She didn't time travel, did she? What if she can't find anyone? What if she gets stuck and lost in that place forever?
Living alone would be hard, not to mention lonely. She's like Eve without Adam. At least give her a handsome husband!