Run's struggles

(Run's pov)

Today is the day I'm going to make Ryoto-kun acknowledge me. He doesn't know that I even exist, but this changes today! I don't even know how it is possible for me to be still unknown, with Ren trying to spend as much time with Ryoto-kun as possible. How did he not sneeze even one time in all this time!

But no worries. With my natural charm and strategic mind, I'm absolutely sure I will be able to win Ryoto-kun over and steal him from Lala!

The plan is simple. Ryoto-kun is in the library right now, so I'll be waiting for him until he comes out, and I'll run into him. I really should have done it sooner.

I heard the library door open, and that was my signal to act. I went around the corner and sneezed.






I'm not giving up today! 

Fine then! How about I slowly ease my existence into him. I'll make him food, and he'll realize how good of a cook I am, and then I'll show myself. 

He'll be like, 'Who made this amazing food!? I need to find her and marry this woman!' and then I'll say shyly, 'I-I did. I hope it tasted good for you ' and he will be like 'It tasted amazing! Marry me. Forget about Lala. She doesn't even know how to cook. I found the true love of my life!'.

Hehehe. That's good. I already can see it happening.

I wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth and went to start preparing meals for Ryoto-kun.


But what should I make for Ryoto-kun? Maybe a fish dish. Fish is a precious commodity on Memorze since it is mostly a desert planet, so if I show that I can work with materials that I'm not familiar with and it turns out delicious, it shows that I'm even a better cook than he thought! Yes, it can work.

Thankfully, the Home Economics class had one last fish in their fridge that I could use. It looks like destiny is on my side and will help me get closer to Ryoto-kun. I can just imagine our life together. First, we'll go on many dates together, and we'll hold our hands together and kiss at the end of every date. Then, after he graduates, we'll have our wedding. After the wedding, of course, we will have our honeymoon and our first night! Kyaaa!

As I was daydreaming, I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, and suddenly, the fish vanished.


I hastily looked around, and then I noticed the dead fish on the ground, but it wasn't alone. A penguin was holding it and dragging it away. Seeing that I noticed him, he stopped all the movement as if hoping that I couldn't see him if he wasn't moving.

I don't know why a penguin is here. Did it escape the aquarium? But this is not important. The important thing is that he has a fish I need. 

I approached the penguin very carefully and slowly so I would not scare him and make him flee, but the moment my foot landed back on the floor during my first step, he... he puked out a rubber band, pulled it, and flung it towards my face, and it hit right in the mark.

I was so dumbfounded that I just stood there as the penguin escaped. Realizing that my way toward Ryoto-kun's heart had just been stolen, I ran after the flightless bird that had just exited the classroom in a rush. I couldn't let him get away, so I followed immediately.

"You won't get between me and Ryoto-kun's happiness!"

Then I noticed that the penguin wasn't alone anymore. There were three additional penguins, and all of them slid away from me on their stomachs.

"This girl is loco if she thinks the fish will solve all her problems. It can only solve one, and it's hunger. Kowalski, put her out of her misery."

One of the penguins talked. Maybe they are some sort of aliens. Good, then I won't feel bad when I whack them a bit but I got a bad feeling when the tallest of the penguins turned around and pulled out some strange device that gave me shivers. The same kind of shivers I had when Lala wanted to test her new machine on me. That's why I ducked when he shot at me. 

The laser went over my head and hit the door behind me. I looked around to see that the door had turned into a jelly-like fluid.

I turned back to the penguins looking alien in horror. Did they try to kill me over a fish?

"Kowalski, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I meant to knock her out. I don't think the boss will like it if we make one of his classmates disappear, and I don't want to make him angry."

"No Kaboom?"

The penguin who stole Ryoto-kun's fish asked as he puked a stick of dynamite and a match stick that he lit up.

"Not this time, Rico. Not this time. Not her, at least, but the floor, why not."

Hearing that, the crazy-looking bird got even crazier and threw the dynamite at the floor, which made a hole in the floor. The group of four flightless birds jumped in, and since it was the last fish in the whole school, I jumped after them.

"What a persistent girl. And a bit crazy. The worst possible combination, but I know just the thing to lose her. With another crazy one! Operation distraction, Private, it's your turn to shine!"

"Yes, Skipper!"

One of the two shortest penguins slowed down and did a cute pose with one of his legs? foot? up in the air. I would probably stop and aww in front of his cuteness, but not today. I will make Ryoto-kun a meal, and he'll love it!

I dove on the ground and grabbed the cute animal with both hands. Then, lifting him up to eye level, I breathed deeply.

I got him... I got him... Now I have a hostage that I can use.

"Look! This girl tries to strangle the cute penguin!"

One of the students of this school pointed at me as she yelled. Her voice brought every girl in close proximity to our location, and soon, I was surrounded.

Oh, so that's what he meant with defeat crazy with crazy because all these girls had a crazy look in their eyes.

They all jumped me, and during the fight, a small animal escaped my crutches. What's even worse is that they took the fish, so I won't be able to make a dish for Ryoto-kun!


Ok, fine! No plan, then! I'm going up to Ryoto, jump on him, hug him, kiss him. I'll do everything that I need to do. I'll use my own body to show how much better I am than Lala. She doesn't know anything about how the opposite sex interacts and how to make a boy happy. That's where my advantage lies.

I ran through the school looking for Ryoto-kun, but I stopped when I saw a dog with a bat in its mouth. He looked back at me, and the last thing I saw was a bat flying towards my head. I dropped to the ground, and before I lost consciousness, I saw a satisfied look on the dog's face.

(Ryoto's pov)


I sneezed, but I didn't feel sick, so someone must have been talking about me or maybe only thinking. But somehow, I feel that I missed something interesting.



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Patreö (10 chapters ahead.)