He is not my boyfriend!

The card reader shuffles the cards and some cards fall out the card reader predicts, "Wow, I see a light at the end of the tunnel, the next few months will be like a roller coster for you, I see your dreams coming true and life full of surprises! Be ready for the emotional joy ride!"

Zee looks at Sam in confusion and surprise. 

Sam smiles at her.

"That's it. I wish you all the best. Your ancestors and angel guides her with you. Have a great day!"

"Thank you!"

Sam hands over her money and they both get in the car. 

Sam drives the car, and he sees Zee being lost in her thoughts.

Sam asks, "Are you okay, babe?"

"Yeah, I am just thinking!"


"Feels weird!"


"Everything. I don't know what she meant, emotional ride and all. I think we will go through some ups and downs!" 

"Yeah, might be, don't worry. She said everything is gonna be alright, dream like!"