Cleanser Squadron

1020 hours, 2 July 0145...

Our bags thudded on the floor as we strolled into the airport terminal and made our way to the exit gate. But I simultaneously witnessed several police officers strolling about the airport as I made my way to the departure gate, their heavy boots resonating on the tile floor. I couldn't help but wonder if the presence of the police officers indicated reports of dissidents in the area.

As we reached the drop-off location at the airport's exit gate, a minibus pulled up at the entry gate. The tour guide, a tall man with a sun-kissed complexion and a wide-brimmed hat, stepped out of the vehicle, his eyes twinkling with warmth as he greeted us with a beaming smile and a distinct native accent.

"Buon giorno signori e signore. Welcome to Grande Maria, the holy city of San Martino."

As Commander Katoki approached him, he shook hands firmly and smiled warmly at the tour host's hand.

"Pedro Alvarino? It has been quite a while! How is your task going?"

"Everything is going well, Commander Katoki Jefferson! It looks like your kids are prepared for the tour, right?"

"Of course! Everyone is ready."

It surprised me to hear Mr. Alvarino's voice calling us kids. I felt the urge to point out that six of us were over twenty, but I didn't want to seem too rude. Commander Marisa gestured proudly to Mr. Alvarino, introducing him to us with a warm smile.

"Mr. Alvarino, this is Axel, Christine, Tsuyuki, Nolan, Lisabelle, and Kyouko."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Alvarino."

Lisabelle looked up at him with a smile and a twinkle in her eye. Mr. Alvarino nodded, his lips forming an "o" of surprise, and then offered us something.

"Alright, shall we head to the headquarters?"

After we all nodded firmly, we stuffed our bags into the trunk and got onto the minibus. Following that, the bus journeyed us towards the Cleanser Squadron Headquarters.


When we arrived at the Cleanser Squadron Headquarters entrance gate 25 minutes later, the security was circling the minibus for an inspection before letting us inside. And luckily, they gave us the all-clear to pass through the security barrier after the examination.

As the minibus brought us to the lobby door, I could feel the vibrations of the Cleanser Squadron's human-controlled mechanoids looming near. Several peculiar-looking tanks accompanied the towering frames and laser-equipped mouths of the Cleanser Squadron. Their morning stroll for testing shook the earth like a behemoth that quaked the ground with its gigantic feet.

Considering their staunchly religious beliefs, it took me aback by the degree of military technological advances they had. I wondered how Cleanser Squadron could collaborate with such anti-religious, authoritarian socialists as Dmitri Montagne to share its cutting-edge technologies.

Within each of their mechanized bodies were intricate quotes.

"Dio sopra ogni cosa." Which refers to "God above everything."

It came as no surprise that the Cleanser Squadron was using their advanced weaponry and infamous authoritarianism to purge all heretics with blood.


The minibus finally stopped in front of the HQ's entrance door after a little while. And as we exited, we saw the marble flooring reflected by the lobby's dazzling lights as we left.

We surveyed the HQ's lobby, taking in the sparkling artistic windows, glittering chandeliers, and immaculate furnishings. The dome's walls were covered with religious calligraphies and paintings depicting their God's tale, which gave off an air of enchantment and divinity.

We could feel the three Cleanser Squadron's soldiers approaching us as we stood in the center of the lobby, their boots thudding on the marble floor, and one of them met us with a warm smile while speaking in a thick native accent.

"Buon giorno signori e signore. Welcome to the Cleanser Squadron headquarters, Minerva Authonoids. And may the righteous hands of the Father enlighten your faith, amen."

But soon, one of the soldiers approached Mr. Alvarino and spoke in a harsh, low voice, oozing with displeasure. His appearance reminded me of what Christine had once told me back in the HQ.

"Lt. Alvarino. I hope you'd understand that we're not taking a tour of this place."

Mr. Alvarino approached the three Cleanser Squadron's men. He presented them to us in a casual way, no matter how scary their presence was.

"Please allow me to introduce you to 2nd Commander Antonio Dovizioso, Lieutenant Lorenzo Farina, and Lieutenant David Capirossi. They are from the Galeo squadron, as well as the Authonoids, like all of you."

Lorenzo suddenly greeted us with a smile that lit up his face.

"It is a great honor to be in the company of all of you, Minerva Authonoids."

However, David questioned us, his tone toned with intimidation and a gleam of doubt.

"Mind to state your business here?"

His smirk suddenly spread across his face as he glanced at Christine.

"And it seems like you're willingly coming back to us, Christine. How's your duty there?"

With a sour grimace, Christine drew her eyes away from her thoughts as she glanced at the floor, worrying about what the soldier from Cleanser Squadron would do to her.

Thenceforth, I leaned in and addressed the group in a firm tone.

"I am Tsuyuki, the Black Vulture squadron's leader. Right now, Onigashi has marched her infected troops into Grande Maria, around 170 kilometers away, to wreak havoc in that city. Along with assassinating the Great Pope Enzio Busso, she also intended to demolish the social system hidden under the Saint Capriccio Great Church, which was the squadron's 2nd HQ."

"If no one takes swift action, I might fear what kind of havoc she may cause."

Despite their outward agreement, subtle furrows on their brows accompanied their nods, betraying a hint of mistrust. At that moment, Lorenzo casually approached us and made an offer.

"By the way, shall we talk about these issues after lunch? I hope all of you are starving this time."

His offer of lunch surprised us, especially considering the tense atmosphere that ensued after my remarks. With a gesture of gratitude, we followed the three of them as they turned and sauntered to the dining room.

Axel spoke formally and bowed his head in respect.

"Thanks for your service! And our greatest apology for-"

Lorenzo's lighthearted laughter lingered in the air as he responded in a casual way.

"It's alright, let's take it easy this time."

As the rest of my friends trailed after them into the dining area, I saw Antonio approaching Christine, his hand firmly pressing her shoulder as he talked in a deep, somewhat serious tone.

"Christine, may I talk with you somewhere else?"

Christine was visibly uncomfortable as she considered turning down Antonio's request, but she was also afraid of the consequences. Her voice sounded halting as she grudgingly accepted.

"Yeah… sure…"

When they walked to a quiet location to chat, I followed them surreptitiously because I was afraid Antonio might do something bad with Christine.

Just as I was ready to move, Katoki's hand settled on my left shoulder, and his voice ordered me to halt.

"Look, Tsuyuki. I know that you're worried about her. But for this time, let her show Antonio's true color first. This will allow us to discuss it discreetly after lunch."

This seems to go against what he stated before, doesn't it? It baffles me as to why he would want me to monitor her while he abruptly returns in my direction. I replied with a hint of resentment, letting out a frustrated groan.

"Fine. And it's none of your business if she's wounded!"

But Commander Katoki casually answered and took a stride to join the others.

"It'll be done when we reach the dining room."

I quickly followed the rest of the company and Commander Katoki to the dining room.

When Christine was secretly speaking with Antonio, I felt my anxiety scorching like all seven circles, but I also knew that Christine would be okay. Or could it possibly be worse?