Chapter Three

Fu Bingwen sighed as he sat in the space car, his new family sat besides him, all of them were glaring at him. "You better not try to escape, Bingwen, Vanessa is well known for being impatient." The original's mother, An Xian told him, a ugly frown on her lips. He couldn't help but compared her to his mother and found her lacking.

His mother was more elegant and handsome, she had better taste too.

"I know, I read the tablet," he also watched all of her old videos. Why did she have to be so old now?! If only she was younger, then he would be very willingly jump into the pit. "You can stop telling me, I won't escape."

Well, he couldn't escape, he tried many times since he had found out her age. But he wouldn't try to escape now. He's going to meet her and beg her to let him go. She definitely can find another marriage partner. He might get disowned, but he wouldn't marry a old lady. He can cook and bake, so maybe he can be a live streamer.

They were dropped off at a large building, it was the courthouse and there was people coming and out of it. Police officers were patroling the area, security robots were also stationed by the entrance ways. He felt extremely nervous, despite having never done a crime in his two lifetimes. Besides jaywalking, but everyone does that now and then.

He felt more nervous when he got inside and everything was in neat order and everyone was walking around without pausing or hesitation. He followed the others, who seemed used to everything. They got on the elevator or what looked like a elevator until it flew off of its hinges and went out of the building and brought them to another large building.

This one was filled with families and couples, all of them smiling or laughing. They got dropped off on the forty-fifth floor, where a male lead them to a meeting room with floating chairs.


Vanessa watched the family sat down, her eyes stayed on the youngest son, he was familiar. She reopened the file of the information she got from an detective. Fu Bingwen, the youngest in the Fu Family, was spoiled until he became an famous second generation. He has recently started to look for a agency company, because he wanted to start streaming.

He was supposed to go meet an agent from Nova Agency two weeks but his brother had caught him in a club. Nova, Nova Agency, Fu Bingwen, she repeated the names in her mind. When she couldn't remember anything in this life, she struggled with trying to see if it was from her last life. It couldn't be from a show or movie, so it had to be a novel. Fu Bingwen is a Chinese name, so it had to be one of the translated novels she read after the apocalypse.

Quick Wear: Abused Female turns over? No, can't be a farming novel nor a Orc/ Beast one. Network star? What's popular with people here? War games, war movies, soldiers, she tapped the table, games? Fu Bingwen? Bingwen? Wenwen? Xiao Wen? Xiao Wen sounds very familiar, she looked at the side profile of him.

His looks matched his name, a gentleman with bright eyes. If only his actions weren't so- Fu Bingwen, a scumbag who harrassed girls in games while using his looks and background to get away with it. A canon fodder in 'Transmigrated To Be The Empress', Shen Jiang was the male lead. No wonder his name was familiar to her when they met, she was so stupid.

Vanessa finally stood up and walked into the meeting room calmly, her lawyer walked in behind. Before he could bring up the contact and the cancellation policy, she greeted Fu Bingwen. "I am Vanessa Flores, age 59, retired soldier, haven't dated anyone or talked about it."


Fu Bingwen panicked, Vanessa didn't look over twenty three and she was one of the tallest women he met in his life. The men he met here didn't even matched her height. She was easily over 2 m, her suit fitted her perfectly and Fu Bingwen hoped he could see her in her old uniform.

"I'm Fu Wenxin," his father introduced himself, ignoring the fact that Vanessa wasn't talking to him. The Fu family needed her support and marriage, he could ignore her arrogance for now. "Your grandmother was very fond of our Xiaowen."

Vanessa's Grandmother was fond of Fu Bingwen, called him her little darling until he started to act up and running away from home. Then Vanessa's mother was injured for a couple months and she stopped visiting the Fu family after Fu Wenxin's father had died. She was one of the main reasons for the agreement between the two families.

Fu Bingwen was very average in terms of physical and mental strength with a solid C+ rank, while also being very attractive. He was also great at acting like a good baby when he was young. At the time, both families had the same amount of strength and connection. It was the perfect match.

Then Vanessa kept raising up and getting more merits, the Flores got better while the Fu family was meeting stumbling block after stumbling block. Fu Wenxin was a very proud man, he hadn't planned on trying to climb up with the marriage. Until a spy sold their plans for their biggest project that had half of their funds invested in.

"Bingwen is a very healthy young man," An Xian reassured her, touching their youngest son on the shoulder with a smile. "He recently had a check up with the doctors, would you like to see them?" She pulled the documents to show her, it had everything from his height to his fertility results.

Fu Bingwen felt horrified, he didn't know that they tested his fertility level. All they did was scan him and poked him for a drop of blood. This family really is selling him!! These greedy bastards! His soul almost left his body when Vanessa received the documents with a calm face.

Fu Bingwen: Quick, what do you do when your family is selling you off to your female goddess?!?! Waiting online urgently!!! 。゚(*´□`)゚。