Chapter Ten

Vanessa looked up, the morning rain was sliding down the glass. Her dream was about her past life, only it wasn't filled with death, zombies or vines that wrapped around as her powers failed to control them. It was about her siblings, her youngest sister was going to play her first basketball game and their oldest sister wanted to support her.

It was a hour away, so they got into one van and two big SUVs. They took up nineteen seats with their siblings and mates, the kids and their mother and grandmother. Even though her sister's team lost, she had scored the most points. To be fair, their best players the year before had moved up to high school.

Vanessa pulled Fu Bingwen closer to her, she thought she had forgotten everything, memories buried beneath broken bodies and vines. She breathed in the flowery smell of her partner, it was cherry blossoms from the soap she made. She wondered if he would like cherry blossom perfume. It would be easy for her to make it for him. The wives of the big guys in the base had liked her perfume as it covered up other smells nicely and last long.

Whenever she was too injured, she had to find a way to make money. The best way was making soap and perfume with the flowers she had and the water in the space. Vanessa was human too and liked nice things, so she made batches of different flower soaps whenever she had time here.

Fu Bingwen snuggled into her chest, his face between her boobs. She thought about moving him but she knew that when he would wake up, he would be flustered with cute pink cheeks. That meant he would be embarrassed too and wouldn't want to look at her face to face. Hmm, choices to make....

Fu Bingwen woke up and wasn't able to see. Slowly and carefully, he got up as he looked at the spot he had his face buried in with a red face. Ah! How long did he have his face there? No wonder it was so soft-no, he didn't want to think about it. He wanted to cry because he realized that the place below was active, he didn't know why this body was always so active in the morning.

He got up and left to solve it, not seeing Vanessa was watching him with a small smile. She didn't really hide the fact she was awake but Fu Bingwen didn't notice her as he was panicking. He was always so cute.

"Did the old cow eat enough grass to start work today?" Niles asked her with a smile, Vanessa looked at him with a frown. She wasn't a old cow, if she was a cow, it would be a young cow. "Heh, no need to look so grumpy, I am the same age, so we are both old cows."

"I think you need to look for grass," she told him seriously. Leave them in their two and half world, Vance was just a baby who wasn't troublesome. At least he was better than Niles, who always show up with more work that made her leave them.

"I can't, I am too busy working," Niles waved her off. It's not like he could date a soldier who works for them, the soldiers looked up to them too much. And they have been too busy for him to go out, trying to get permission for equipment and supplies for the new base on her planet. Sigh, he is wasting his most beautiful days in the army.


After she got ready for the day, Vanessa barely got her hair up into a ponytail when she had a video meeting with the Military Medical center about getting more advanced military healing solutions for emergencies. Looking at the familiar old man, she smiled, "Doctor Agafonov, I was expecting the president."

"No, that annoying boy is dealing with the Emperor," he told her with a laugh. "Besides, I don't see why he is making everything so difficult. If the zergs were attacking, we would have lost some of the best soldiers in centuries. The solutions are being shipped to your site as we speak, just sign the papers as needed, so he doesn't complain to me about missing paperwork."

"Of course, I will send the necessary paperwork to Niles while I head to the new base." What she said seemed to amused him as he grinned more. The old man started talking about his little husband and his old children who still doesn't understand that they are trying to live a two person world now that they are grown. Then he started asking about Fu Bingwen, she answer every single question patiently. He also asked about Vance and Niles, his useless student.

Just when they were going to hang up, someone slammed opened the door to Doctor Agafonov's office. It was President Maine, who looked angry as he walked in. Vanessa debated on hanging up or watching to see what will happen. It's too late for Maine to recall the solutions, so when she sends back the signed papers, he can only accept them.

Unfortunately Dr. Agafonov looked at her with a smile before hanging up. She sighed in disappointment, it was always a show when President Maine and Doctor Agafonov got into a argument. She opened the package that he sent, she looked at the page number before groaning as she set her head on the table.


Fu Bingwen took Vance out with joy, leaving his poor fiancée to work. Atom, a soldier had informed him that Vanessa will be going back to her planet and she wanted to know if he will be coming back with her. So now he was going to explore the capital city before they left.

He didn't know when they will be back as Vanessa will be working hard, trying to set up her base and training soldiers. The next two days Fu Bingwen planned on going to different places and having fun. So he decided shopping for toys will be his first task.

The toys are amazing and Fu Bingwen was disappointed that he wasn't a kid. Vance was going to enjoy everything he couldn't, if he need help playing, well, Fu Bingwen is here to help. When he got to the biggest toy store, he grinned at the site of hover cars and boards. With a account of millions, he walked into the store with confidence and greed.

The latest playmate bot? In his cart.

The hoverboard with pretty lights? In his cart.

Six foot doll mansion with working water and electricity? Cart.

The holographic game console? Cart.

The robot dog and cat? Cart.

Vance, who was barely one, looked at the big cart that was following them. The pile of toys was getting bigger and bigger. The other customers watched Fu Bingwen who wasn't looking at the prices as he added things to the cart. One lady felt pain when he added the latest Live Forest and all of the Live Animals.

That alone costed over four million starcoins, the Live Forest and Animals are usually bought by schools to teach students about different beasts. Live Animals are small robots programmed to act like real animals, while Live Forest have real parts and holographic parts. The Forest will make animals and plants that the Live Animals can 'eat'. You can also make it rain, snow, windy or stormy. The latest Forest has earthquakes, mudslides and volcano eruptions.

Who would buy it for personal use? Do you know that you can buy a house on the capital planet with that money? It might not be in the city but he could definitely buy a mansion outside of the city. Soon on the Starnet, a small forty second video of Fu Bingwen paying for the toys appeared on. More and more people are seeing it and sharing.

#Where can I find a sibling like this#

#Can I trade mine?#

#Who is this#

#Rich people#

#This called me poor in five different ways#

As Fu Bingwen was trending, he had moved onto the next store with a tired Vance, who realized his quiet sister was the best. Not this man who talks a lot and likes loud and colorful toys. Vance could only tolerate him as he got dragged around town.