chapter 26

"Has his father said anything more about Carmen?" I ask outright, afraid to have these conversations with her as they always leave me feeling worse, but she s the only person I have had to talk to, and I know she s on my side in this.

"Only that Colton needs to think of the future of his people. Honestly, I don t even know why Juan is rooting for Carmen. She wasn t good enough a month ago when he was constantly telling him he needed to get serious and find a better mate. I don t get it." Meadow shrugs, rolling on her side to perch herself up on one elbow, picking out some daisies and twirls them between those talons she calls nails.

"Wait, what? I thought Juan was invested in her as the best femme for Luna? He s sure as hell fighting her corner hard enough!" I blanch, my head spinning to her fully as rage ignites inside me, pushing self-pity down.