Chapter 39

Evelyn s POV

Ryland drove us to a motel, we had no idea where to go, all we knew was that I couldn t go back so that didn t leave many options. The motel was one of those ones you find on the highway in the middle of nowhere that looks like something a serial killer used to stalk their victims. The man behind the counter looked like he didn t get much human interaction, he was awkward and made me feel uncomfortable.

Even after we were inside, I checked the locks and the windows, Ryland shook his head at my paranoia.

"What are you doing?" he asked as I checked the door once again.

"Checking the door, he gave me the creeps," I tell him, and Ryland shakes his head chuckling to himself.

"You re in a motel room with a Lycan but that puny human gives you the creeps?" he scoffs.

"You don t scare me. You re mine, I trust you not to murder me in my sleep and stuff me as a house ornament," I tell him looking out the window.