Chapter 32

I lean back into Tobias, his hand on my breasts, teasing as my nipples harden under his touch. Theo pulls his finger from me. I can feel the slickness of my juices on them as he slides another inside me, curling his fingers upwards and rubbing on my G-spot. I moan loudly and I hear Theo chuckle at my reaction. I feel my skin heating up, and it has nothing to do with the water temperature. Tobias grabs the soap and loofa while I continue to lean on him, and he starts washing me. I shiver has he pulls my hair over one shoulder his fingers softly caressing the skin of my neck, as he runs the loofa over my skin. Theo s finger moving faster making me grip his hand, trying to slow his rhythm as it becomes too much. He doesn t stop though, instead leans in. His lips moving on mine as I shatter, my walls gripping his fingers. I can feel my vagina pulsating and quivering as my orgasm runs through me.