Chapter 87

Imogen s POV

That night I suggested that Caroline and Josiah should go home so they can have some time to themselves. They had been so busy helping us, I sometimes forgot they had their own lives. Caroline and Josiah bid farewell after dinner, promising to be back bright an early in the morning. One thing I was most thankful for, though, was that Caroline had helped get Thaddeus into a more regular sleep routine. He only got up once or twice during the night now instead of every hour, making night time easier and everyone was getting decent sleep.

Carrying Thaddeus into the kitchen I make him a bottle, Theo and Tobias kept offering to take him, which was becoming a little annoying. They refused to leave me alone with him and it was getting on my nerves.

"Here I can take him, you make the bottle," Theo said, holding out his arms expectantly.