My use for ringing so loudly I could not hear anything else but the bank that was ringing in my ears. And then I realized that there was a deep pain in my arm and I could not move my party. I looked down at my arm to see it was bleeding so much and I. Just notice that he had a gun in hand. I think she shot me, but before I could process anything, while legs gave up and I started to feel so faint because all of the blood drainage from my body and I actually felt on the ground. I realized that Sean came to watch me. In asleep like a wind comes in a. Lord went.
It was by besides me in a second and he took me into his lap. He was holding me very tightly and he shouted at someone to call for a doctor.
I murmured his name, and I did not remember anything after that.
"If you take her to the hospital, Tia will have problems. You cannot take her to the hospital, Shawn."