Chapter 95 The Came Back

Avery P.O.V.

Next Morning

I am in my room listening to music. I am not seen the guys all day today. They not come over or even call me like they always did. Now, I am sitting in here bored and alone. I been crying since last night when they left me when I told them to leave. I wanted them to stay what I wanted to say but I couldn t because I am coward. I always did that. I never took up for myself and I would always been quiet let people walk over me. I never skip school or got in trouble ever by my parents or the in school. I am a bored not normal girl. No wonder everyone made fun of me. I am a stupid person. No person in their right mind would let anyone abuse and mistreatment them. But I did. Because I thought if I didn t do anything maybe they leave me alone. But it just made it worse.