Chapter 131 " Walked Away"

Avery P.O.V.

By the time I was walking away from the pain and hurt I was watching in front of my eyes. I can't be here. I want to run and run away from this fucking place. I am never going to be good enough and I am always doing things wrong. I feel worthless and helpless and alone. I hate this. I thought I would find my mates well with who I am mates.

I sigh and I want to move, and I am going to ask my parents before I come back to this stupid school. I am just waiting for them to reject me. But I am not going to give them that pleasure. I will tell them, so they don't have to worry about rejecting me. I will be the first to do it.

"No, Avery! What are you are talking like that." Angelstar said with worry in her voice.

"Don't think about it, you're going to make the biggest mistake," I heard Angelstar but I thought I heard Anglica say. But I could be wrong.