Chapter 47 47

The fire was back and I'm sure now that I was hallucinating. His eyes were burning and was pure red, he was so menacing and looked so superior.

He had a devilish look on his face, the one that tells you your end is coming and you better watch out cause there's no mercy

I became scared a bit with his change of demeanor.

He looked so scary with his hairy all over his face, he was a beast in suit. White suit that significance pureness but he's a devil.

"W..wh... what.. what are you going do huh?" I stammered with the fright in me. I still don't want to show the fear in me, he shouldn't know that he has this effect on me.

After listening to my question he grabbed my throat, "So you want the hard way huh? You don't want to listen to what I say?" He yelled and the entire town should be able to hear him.

He held it tighter and I began to see dots again. Yes that is great, I should just faint right now.