Axel POV
I woke to hear the disturbing noise of teenagers coming to school.
I wonder why we had to make part of our home a school?
But it wouldn't have been any problem if I did not have sensitive hearing. We all do here.
It can be handy sometimes when I want to spy and hear what someones saying but it can also be really annoying like right now.
I have to hear useless talks from gossipers about the awesome party yesterday and how Rose Mary got pregnant and how cute I am.... Etc. It's really annoying and sometimes frustrating.
Sometimes you don't want to hear Somethings but you don't really have a choice with my type of hearing.
I've gotten used to it but on beautiful mornings like this all I want to do is complain. Complain until it goes away. But it never went away.
I sighed then proceeded to get out of bed and inside my hot shower.