Chapter 10 Frost forest: dangerously cold


I looked at them, the three human already show that they're damn cold. I signed the tigers to step back on the last mountain that we pass through.

"What are we going to do now?" she asked.

"M my queen, I still remember some spells. I I can teach you a spell that w will protect us from that cold. Even the alpha king and these tigers can pass that frost m mountain without worrying a about dying in coldness. We'll try to p pass that mountains for a couple o of hours only." Miranda.

"Okay then, aunt Miranda. Let's practice and I will try my best to do it perfectly as soon as possible."

"Okay then, Cynthia. Let's start." she said. We stayed here and watch them from two meters away. The cold wind are still reachable even at this distance. They really need a spell so that they can survive while we are passing through that forest. Dallas gives me an apple and to her sister as well.