Like Dr Summayah had asked him to do, to give her space so she would recover on her own, he did. Their therapy was moving so fine and she had assured him that when the tremor subsided in her heart, she would begin to miss him and then would be back to him on her own accord. But it was taking a toll on him, he had waited so much that he was beginning to feel suffocated whenever he heard her voice speaking with Bilkisu and if he made an appearance, he would find her crawling back to her shell.
Today, Na'im had it in mind that whatever was going on in her mind, he was done just waiting until she came around. He had missed his wife, the lady he had fell in love with and by all means necessary, Na'im was going to bring her back into his life today. He stood by the door of the apartment, where she stayed with her sister and Bilkisu and he kept contemplating on whether to knock or not.