Chapter 15 Supernatural

Which ones will I take?

I know I don t have much time. Dmitri will be knocking on my door in about fifteen minutes to wake me up from my nap--a necessity after training, apparently--so we can have supper with his family. I am already very much awake, however, and decided to use the extra time to sneak down to the library and steal a couple books from the shelf I m not supposed to know exists. I would love to take the one that opens the door, but I don t dare touch it again, not until I m sure that I won t run into one or both of Dmitri s parents in whatever lies behind the bookshelf. Instead I debate between a book about wizards, sorceresses, and others with "the magic touch" and a book on supernatural history.

Will they notice if I take both?

Dmitri can probably answer that question, at least, and he ll help me replace one or both of them if we have to.